Sri Lanka

17 June 2016

Visit by Sri Lankan temple officers

Four officers of the Sri Dalada Maligawa (Buddha Holy Tooth Relic Temple) in Kandy, Sri Lanka recently visited Nalanda Centre for a meeting with founder Bro Tan.  Led by one of its Directors, Mr. Gamini Bandara, the officials had a two-hour discussion on recent educational programmes run by the Sri Dalada Maligawa.

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5 March 2016

Monks happy to see Nalanda’s progress

On Sunday 28 February, Ven. Ariyadeva Māha Thero, together with Ven. Swarnajothi and Ven. Wineetha, came to Nalanda Centre for a visit and meeting with founder Bro Tan.  The venerable monks were warmly received by Nalandians, and Nalanda Buddhist Society Deputy President Bro. Charlie Teng brought them on a tour of the Centre.

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28 February 2016

Pāli and Sanskrit scholars visit Nalanda

On Monday 22 February, a group of scholarly Sangha members came for a familiarization visit to Nalanda Centre. The monks are among the best throughout Sri Lanka in Pāli, Sanskrit and Sinhalese languages, having excelled in national Buddhist exams and obtained the first three places in those subjects.

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29 January 2016

87th birth anniversary of Ven. K. Anuruddha

Today marks the 87th birth anniversary of the late Venerable Professor Dr. Kakkapalliya Anuruddha Nāyaka Thero, a foremost Buddhist and Pāli language scholar.  He was born on this day in 1929, in a small village in north-western Sri Lanka.  He was ordained a novice monk at a young age, and later received the higher ordination as ‘bhikkhu’ at age 20.

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26 April 2015

Colourful and iconic emblem – the Buddhist Flag

Ever wondered why the Buddhist Flag is so colourful?

Well, it was not originally intended to be attention-grabbing; but it is undoubtedly conspicuous and eye-catching!  You see, the Flag was designed way back in 1885 in Sri Lanka.  Back then, the emerging modern Buddhist movement needed a peaceful yet potent symbol to rally followers around.

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23 April 2015

History of the Buddhist Flag

The Buddhist Flag was first hoisted in Sri Lanka on Wesak Day, 28 April 1885, when the country was still under British colonial rule.  At that time, the majority Sinhalese Buddhist population felt discriminated against by the colonial authorities when carrying out their religious activities, as well as pressurized by relentless foreign evangelism.  The Buddhists needed an icon to peacefully rally around, and hence, the idea of the ‘Buddhist Flag’ was conceived.

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13 April 2015

New Year Greetings from Nalandians

This week marks the New Year celebrations for our friends in Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and many in Malaysia, too.  Nalanda wishes all our venerables, teachers, and friends joyous New Year festivities!  May this coming year bring much peace, happiness, and well-being to all people around the world.

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12 November 2014

Venerable Narada’s Commemoration Day

Report by Lim Jie Sheng

On Sunday 26 October, Nalandians gathered in unity to commemorate yet another great Buddhist luminary – Venerable Narada Nāyaka Māha Thero.  This commemoration day programme was both initiated and organised by Pustaka Nalanda (the library).  The commemoration service began with pūja and chanting, followed by Dhamma teachings by Nalanda Founder Bro Tan.  He spoke about values that Ven. Narada held on to, and how the late venerable was a great Buddhist leader for us to emulate and learn from. Read more

25 October 2014

Commemorating Venerable Narada Nayaka Thero

Sunday, 26 October | 9.00 am – 11.30 am | Nalanda Centre

Pustaka Nalanda is organising a commemoration service for Venerable Narada Nāyaka Maha Thera, a prolific Dhamma teacher, speaker, writer and commentator.  Join us tomorrow morning for a presentation by the Director of Pustaka Nalanda, Bro. Ānanda Fong, on the life of the late Ven. Narada and his immense contribution to the propagation of the Buddha’s teachings in many countries.  Svagatam!  All are welcome!

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8 September 2014

How the ‘Bhikkhunī’ Order came about

Today is the full-moon day for the month of ‘Potthapāda’ (or ‘Binara’ [ බිනර ] in Sinhalese).  According to Sri Lankan Theravada tradition, this day commemorates the occasion where the Buddha allowed the ordination of ‘bhikkhunīs’ (women renunciates), and thus is a very important anniversary.

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