Stay-in Programme

6 March 2024

Enriching in Dhamma at stay-in programme

From 29 February to 3 March, 70 students and facilitators from Nalanda Dhamma School spent the school holidays at Nalanda Centre to learn Dhamma and strengthen their bonds with spiritual friends.  Over the four-days, students went through an orientation with the theme “Welcome to Dhamma with Spiritual Friends”.

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20 May 2017

Holiday stay-in programme

From 19 to 22 March, 70 Nalanda Dhamma School students from Sri Serdang and Johor Bahru Branches spent their school holidays meaningfully by participating in the Stay-in Programme.  The 4-day camp was aimed at fostering friendship among students, and to inculcate a sense of gratitude and appreciation.

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6 December 2016

‘Education Day’ to be celebrated throughout December

Nalanda ‘Education Day’ is celebrated around 11 December every year with a series of programmes for teachers, devotees, teenagers and children.  This date marks the anniversary of the launching of Nalanda’s “Education Philosophy” which calls for a holistic approach in education – balancing and combining knowledge, skills, values and culture – leading to integral development of people.

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25 June 2015

Student Officers’ Stay-in Programme

During the recent school break, eight Nalanda Dharma School (NDS) student officers* participated in a stay-in and training programme at Nalanda Youth Centre from 6 to 8 June. Throughout the 3-day programme, the officers were given opportunities to improve their leadership skills, understand their roles and responsibilities as officers, and to form stronger bonds of friendship with one another.

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29 March 2015

Nalanda Dharma School Stay-in Programme

From 18 – 20 March, Nalanda Dharma School (N.D.S.) students participated in a 3-day stay-in programme at Nalanda Centre with the theme “A Life Less Ordinary Begins Here”.  The 47 participants, including 5 students from Johor Bahru branch, had plenty of opportunities to build their character, courage and confidence throughout the camp.

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18 August 2014

‘Garuda Gardeners’ spruce up Nalanda House

Over the past few weekends, many Nalanda Dharma School students stayed over at Nalanda Centre to assist in the upcoming ‘FAMILY FUN FAIR’ preparations.  Our cheerful students also helped to tidy up the Centre to welcome thousands of visitors anticipated during the Fun Fair.  Last weekend, it was Garuda House members’ turn to stay over.  Besides performing many other chores, the students spruced up the garden at Nalanda House and returned it to its lovely pristine state.  Thank you and anumodana, “Garuda Gardeners”!

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20 July 2014

Junior Dharma School Stay-in Programme

Report by Tan Jee Jian

On 5 and 6 July, 27 Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch Junior Dharma School students between the ages of 9 and 12 years old stayed-in at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The objectives of the stay-in were to foster bonding among facilitators and students, to learn Buddhist culture and chanting, as well as to involve parents in rendering service to the Buddhist community. Read more