Sunday Service

30 December 2016

New Year Eve Chanting & Blessing

As 2016 draws to a close, let us take this opportunity to reflect, express gratitude, and radiate loving-kindness to the whole world.  We invite you to come with your family and friends to ‘calm down’ to the New Year at Nalanda Centre on Saturday, 31 December.  We shall be having the traditional meditation, chanting and blessings from 11pm to 12am on New Year’s Eve to welcome 2017.

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26 December 2016

Talk on significance of ‘Sangha Day’

On Sunday 30 October, Nalandians gathered to listen to a talk by the Director of Pustaka Nalanda Bro. Ananda Fong on the “Significance of Sangha Day”, which is observed at Nalanda every November.

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23 December 2016

Living in harmony with all beings

Report by Chan Jia Xin.

In conjunction with Nalanda’s monthly ‘Sāmaggī Day’ on 23 October, Dato’ Charlie Chia gave a Dhamma teaching on how to live in true harmony.  He spoke about the six conditions of congeniality in reference to the Māhaparinibbāna Sutta and Dhammapada Commentary.

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28 November 2016

Changing the ‘world’ with compassion

On Sunday 16 October, Nalanda Youth Centre was blessed to have Bro. Tan join our weekly Sunday Service.  Bro. Tan gave a Dhamma teaching on how we can bring about positive change in the world through the cultivation of compassion.

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19 November 2016

The Buddha’s meditative experience

At the Service Sunday on 9 October, Sis. Tan Yee Yong was invited to deliver a talk on ‘Meditation’.  She recounted history by stating that certain meditation practices already existed before the Buddha’s time.  In fact, the Buddha-to-be Siddhattha Gotama learned from two prominent meditation teachers of His time – Alara Kalama and Uddaka Ramaputta.

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15 November 2016

Memorial tribute to King Bhumibol

It has been a month since the passing of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand.  Thai people are still mourning their great loss of a highly-respected and much-loved monarch.  On Sunday 16 October, Bro. H. S. Tan led an official memorial tribute at Nalanda Centre to His Late Majesty.  In attendance were the President of Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia Bro. Tan Leng Huat and representatives from several Buddhist societies.

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4 November 2016

Memories of a noble leader

Report by Audrey Lee Hui Yean.

During a recent Sunday Service dedicated to the memory of the late Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda to mark the 10th anniversary of his passing, Nalanda achariyas recollected heart-warming tales of their association with this remarkable ‘Dhammaduta’ (missionary monk).

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31 October 2016

Illuminating talks on ‘Brahmavihāra’

Over two Sundays on 11 and 18 September, Sis. Santī Cheang gave two illuminating talks at Nalanda Centre on ‘Brahmavihāra’ – the four spiritual qualities of ‘mettā’ (loving-kindness), ‘karunā’ (compassion), ‘muditā’ (sympathetic joy), and ‘upekkhā’ (equanimity).

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24 October 2016

“The Way Out” of Dukkha

On Sunday 18 September, Nalanda Youth Centre hosted Samanerī Khanti Khemā, the Chairman of Dhamma Sukhā Meditation Centre, Missouri, USA.  Venerable Khanti Khemā gave a talk to the youths titled “The Way Out”.

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13 October 2016

Sunday talk by Dr. Phang

Nalanda Centre is delighted to host the launching of Dr. Phang Cheng Kar’s latest book, “NOW: Who wants to learn MINDFUL-Gym?   12 Mindful Tools for Stress Reduction & Wellness”, followed by his talk.  Everyone is invited to attend this joyful occasion on Sunday.

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