On Sunday February 28, Achariya Tan Siang Chye gave a Dhamma talk on living in accordance with the Dhamma. He explained that the root word of ‘Dhamma’ in Pāli, and ‘Dharma’ in Sanskrit’ is ‘dhṛ’ which means ‘to hold up or maintain’; while the Buddhist meaning of Dhamma is the teachings of the Buddha. Hence, when we live the Dhamma, it is to hold us up, and stop us from falling into the woeful states of existence, and to fulfill our potential for Nibbāna.
Read moreOn Sunday 28 February, Nalanda founder Bro. Tan shared with us the spirit of ‘Sāmaggī’, which means harmony, peaceful coexistence, and inner tranquility when living with other people. Real ‘Sāmaggī’ can be achieved by noble beings, but is difficult for those without the nobility of mind. When the mind is tranquil, one will experience peace and harmony wherever one lives. A mind that is not peaceful can be easily agitated.
Read moreOn Sunday 14 February, Sis. Nandini Tan gave a Dhamma sharing based on Ittha Sutta (Anguttara Nikaya 5.43) on “What is welcome”, where the Buddha taught the householder Anathapindika the five things which are ‘welcome, agreeable, pleasant, and hard to obtain in the world’. The five things are long life, beauty, happiness, status and heavenly rebirth.
Read moreOn Sunday 31 January, Bro. Aggaphala Yap conducted the third session of the ‘Svagatam’ Induction Programme, continuing the Dhamma theme on ‘Sāmaggī’ (concord) within the family.
Read moreOn Sunday 31 January, Sis. Santi Cheang gave a Dhamma sharing which was most pertinent for the festive season. She spoke about the root causes of conflicts and how to avoid them, citing the ‘Samagama Sutta’ of Majjhima Nikaya (Sutta No.104).
Read moreOn Sunday 24 January, Sis. Sandy Lim gave a Dhamma sharing on Sāmaggī (concord). Sāmaggī is crucial because when there is harmony and unity in a community, it will grow strong and prosper, and there will be peace and goodwill for all to enjoy.
Read moreOn Sunday 17 January, Nalanda Youth Centre held its weekly morning service which was very well-attended by youths from local universities and colleges. The activities included games and music to foster friendships. The ‘Dhamma Chat’ segment was conducted by Nalanda Dhamma School Director Sis. Sunanda.
Read moreOn Sunday 10 January, parents of newly-enrolled Dhamma School students and new-comers to Nalanda Centre were invited to attend the first session of ‘Svagatam’ Induction Programme conducted by Bro. Aggaphala Yap. The six-session course aims to introduce Buddhist values, culture and etiquette to its participants. It also aims to provide essential knowledge on how to live in accordance with Dhamma.
Read moreOn Sunday 10 January, Venerable Sri Pandita Dr. Henepola Gunaratana gave an insightful Dhamma teaching on how those who learn and practise the Dhamma are blessed with spiritual happiness.
Read moreOn the first Sunday of the New Year, Venerable Bhikkhuni Sumangalā gave a Dhamma talk at Nalanda Centre where she spoke on “Buddhism and Happiness”. Ven. Sumangalā said if we wanted to achieve a high level of happiness, then we should follow the Buddha’s teaching and walk the ‘Middle Path’.
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