Sunday Service

15 October 2015

Kindness and patience lead to spiritual goals

On Sunday 11 October, Dhamma teacher Sis. Tan Yee Yong gave a talk based on 10 Buddhist stories taken from the Jataka Tales, Samyutta Nikaya, and Majjhima Nikaya.  One of the stories, taken from Samyutta Nikaya 11.6(6) The Bird Nests, tells of how kindness saved Sakka, lord of the devas and his army who were escaping from their enemy, the asuras.

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8 October 2015

Gratitude to our Teachers

On Sunday 27 September, a memorial service was held in honour of two illustrious teachers – Venerable Kakkapalliye Anuruddha, a foremost and distinguished scholar in the Pāli language; and Acharya Satya Narayan Goenka, a prodigious teacher who taught millions of practitioners the technique and bliss of Vipassāna Meditation. Both great men passed away on the same day, 29 September 2013; their likes will rarely be seen again.

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28 September 2015

Rebirth? – I have been here before

On Sunday 20 September, Bro. Ananda Fong gave a talk on “Rebirth”.  He related a few Buddhist accounts of rebirth, besides showing scientific research on the subject by Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Brian Weiss.  In ‘Majjhima Nikāya’ No. 41 the ‘Saleyyaka Sutta’, the Buddha elaborated on why some beings after death reappear in happy or unhappy destinations.  It is through righteous conduct in accordance with the Dhamma that beings are born in fortunate realms.

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23 September 2015

Delightful ‘Service Sunday’ with Dr. Victor Wee

On 13 September, Professor Datuk Seri Dr. Victor Wee, an eloquent and proficient speaker, gave a Dhamma talk on ‘Sammā Sankappa’ (Right Thought) during Service Sunday at Nalanda Centre.

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16 September 2015

Recollecting the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda

On Sunday 6 September, many devotees were delighted with the Dhamma sharing by Datuk Charlie Chia, who shared his experiences as a youth learning Dhamma from the late Venerable Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero.

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13 September 2015

Dynamic Sunday at Nalanda

On Sunday 6 September, Nalanda Centre was ‘buzzing’ with various programmes and activities from Level 1 to Level 4, besides the usual Junior Dhamma Class at Nalanda House, and Service Sunday for young adults at Nalanda Youth Centre.

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9 September 2015

Nalandians observe ‘Samaggi Day’

On Sunday 30 August, Nalandians in their white shirt and sarong attire, came together at Nalanda Centre for ‘Samaggi Day’, which falls on the last Sunday of every month.  “Samaggi”, which means unity and harmony, is a Pāli word and an important Buddhist principle.

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7 September 2015

Dhamma School Facilitators-Parents’ Meeting

On 30 August, Nalandians gathered at NEO Centre Johor Bahru in their uniforms to observe ‘Samaggi Day’ during Service Sunday.  In remembrance of our late teacher Venerable Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero, Branch Chairman Bro. David Yap recollected how the great qualities of the much-respected and beloved late venerable had inspired him.

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6 September 2015

Humble tribute to a great teacher

On Sunday 30 August, Nalandians and devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang for a Dhamma talk by Achariya Tan Siang Chye with the title “A Humble Tribute”.  He recollected his fond memories of the much respected and beloved Venerable Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero.

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2 September 2015

Remembering Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda

On Sunday 23 August, Bro. Benny Liow shared his unforgettable memoirs of the late Ven. Dr.  Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero.  He remembers with gratitude the late venerable as a spiritual father to him.

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