Sunday Service

7 November 2022

Hosting Ven. Sujiva at Nalanda

On Sunday 30 October, Nalanda was honoured to host Ven. Sujiva for a Dhamma talk in his maiden visit to Nalanda Centre.  Many devotees including leaders from the Buddhist community rejoiced in the opportunity to welcome and meet Ven. Sujiva as he had been based in Europe and USA over the past 20 years.  Prior to that, Venerable had taught meditation in Santisukharama Hermitage in Kota Tinggi, Johor and held many retreats throughout Malaysia.

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16 August 2022

The spirit of ‘veyyavacca’

On Sunday 31 July, Nalandians gathered to learn, practise and reflect on the spirit of ‘veyavacca’ during the Sunday Morning Service at Nalanda Centre.  In the Dhamma sharing, Sis. Nandini relayed that ‘veyavacca’ is part of our spiritual cultivation to develop liberality and kindness while supporting the community.  The spirit of service is based on thoughtfulness and consideration; when we are  sensitive to others’ need, we will try to help in whatever way we can.  It is not just an act of service but the idea of being in service to others.  

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20 July 2022

Svagatam Inspiring Programme

We invite you back for the second of six sessions of the Svagatam Inspiring Programme at Nalanda.  The learning session will commence after the morning meditation, offerings and chanting.  May you be well and safe.

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20 July 2022

Svagatam Inspiring Programme

The Svagatam Inspiring Programme is back! Join us for the first of the 6-session programme, on Sunday 7 August, after the morning meditation, offerings and chanting.  We invite devotees that are new to Nalanda to join us for this ‘welcoming’ induction programme which aims to provide essential knowledge for starting one’s Dhamma learning journey.

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12 July 2022

Gimhāna sharing – Harmony at our workplace

On Sunday 26 June, Nalandians gathered for ‘Samaggi Day’, which falls on the last Sunday of every month.  Members and devotees were joined by Nalanda youths and Dhamma School students for the morning meditation, offerings and chanting. Sis. Buddhini Tan, President of the Society, encouraged us to pay more attention to our daily practice, so that we can stop unwholesome practices from repeating, and develop habits which are conducive to spiritual development.

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30 June 2022

Dhamma Forum

‘Dhamma Day’ commemorates the preaching of Buddha’s first discourse after His Enlightenment – the ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ – where the Buddha taught His initial disciples the fundamental teachings of the ‘Four Noble Truths’.  To commemorate the auspicious anniversary of this occasion, join us on 17 July for a Dhamma Forum to learn and reflect on Dhamma with good spiritual friends.

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28 June 2022

Gimhāna sharing – Family harmony is a supreme blessing

On Sunday 19 June, Sis. Buddhinī Tan gave a Dhamma sharing on ‘Living in harmony with family’.   She explained the importance of the Four Bonds of Fellowship (Sangaha Sutta AN 4.32) in enhancing the interconnectedness of those living together and cultivating harmony within our families.  When applied with right understanding, we become more caring, relate well and are more useful to one another, leading to everyone dwelling in happiness and unity.

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21 June 2022

Gimhāna Sunday Service – Family harmony enables a peaceful community

In the third Gimhāna Sunday Service on 12 June, Sis. Sandy Lim delivered a Dhamma sharing on living in harmony with our family.  Harmony is the smooth and pleasant functioning together of two or more parties, resulting in not just concord, but also unity.  When harmony within the family unit exists, it forms the nucleus of a peaceful community.  The Buddha taught that ‘the progress of a society’ (aparihāniyā dhamma) can be measured by the ability ‘to meet together in harmony, adjourn in harmony and conduct business in harmony’ (Mahāparinibbāna Sutta, DN16).

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15 June 2022

Gimhāna sharing – Harmony gives rise to happiness

On Sunday 5 June, Bro. Tan Siang Chye delivered a Dhamma sharing on this year’s ‘Gimhāna Period’ theme – ‘Living in Harmony’.  He shared that when we have harmony within, we are free from internal conflict and are confident in our life purpose.  This in itself leads to us having a peaceful and happy nature which positively impacts those around us.

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8 June 2022

1st Gimhāna Service – Develop urgency to practise

On Sunday 29 May, Nalanda members and volunteers entered into the Gimhāna Period as they gathered for its first Sunday Morning Service.  After the morning meditation, offerings and chanting, an appreciation session for Buddha Day volunteers was held, where everyone rejoiced in the selfless efforts of all who contributed to the joyous celebrations held the week before.  Thereafter, Sis. Paruadi Ramasamy delivered a talk on the purpose of this 7-week Gimhāna ‘retreat’, that of reflecting on Dhamma and strengthening our spiritual practice which develops into wholesome life-long habits.

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