Sunday Service

30 July 2014

Continuous Learning and Spiritual Reflection

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 20 July, devotees continued with Dhamma learning and spiritual cultivation at Nalanda Centre.  We were privileged to hear Bro. Charlie Chia deliver a light-hearted Dhamma talk titled, ‘It’s all in the breath’.

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28 July 2014

An inspiring ‘Dhamma Day’ teaching

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 13 July, more than 100 devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre to commemorate ‘Dhamma Day’.  As the day signifies the preaching of Buddha’s first discourse after his Enlightenment, Bro. Tan led devotees in reciting the famous ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’.

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19 July 2014

Flags at half-mast in memory of MH17

The Malaysian Government today called for flags to be flown at half-mast until Monday 21 July, to mourn the loss of 298 lives on board MH17.  At tomorrow morning’s Service Sunday, Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan will offer a reflection on the tragic air-crash as well as recite prayers for the victims and their loved ones.

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17 July 2014

Commentary on the ‘Simile of thoroughbreds’

Report by Thong Fee Shen  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 6 July, Bro. Tan gave an uplifting Dhamma teaching quoting a discourse in the Anguttara Nikāya, whereby the Buddha described 4 kinds of good practitioners using the ‘simile of thoroughbreds’.  They are (1) one who upon hearing about the pain or death of a man or woman, realises that the same could happen to him, and thus stirred to cultivate; (2) one who sees before his eyes a man or woman in pain or dead, and feels the urgency to cultivate; (3) one whose family members, closed friends or loved ones are in pain or dead, and he feels the urgency to cultivate; and (4) one who experiences pain himself, and feels the urgency to cultivate. Read more

11 July 2014

Connecting to spirituality

On Sunday 29 June, devotees continued the ‘Gimhana Retreat’ with more learning at Nalanda Centre.  Sis. Sunanda Ong gave a lively and interactive Dhamma sharing where she encouraged everyone to cultivate a ‘good mind’ daily in order to have calmness and peace.

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28 June 2014

Learning to nurture resilience

Report by Gan Bee Ching  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 22 June, devotees congregated at Nalanda Centre for a joyful Service Sunday.  After meditation, pūja and chanting, Bro. Tan delivered an inspiring talk on ‘resilience’.  He said that just as one requires physical stamina to carry out activities, resilience is required for continuous and fruitful cultivation of a good mind.

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21 June 2014

‘Happy Buddhists’ attend Service Sunday

Report by Gan Bee Ching | Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

On Sunday 8 June, Nalanda Centre was again filled with devotees eager to learn Dhamma.  The morning Service began with pūja, chanting and meditation.  After which, the congregation was delightfully surprised by the unexpected presence of Bro. Tan, who shared words of wisdom about ‘happiness’.

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10 June 2014

Inspiring first Gimhāna Service Sunday

Article by Gan Bee Ching | Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

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31 May 2014

Welcome to Service Sunday at Nalanda Centre

It is truly inspiring to learn and practise Dhamma with like-minded friends in a supportive and friendly community.  We welcome everyone to join us tomorrow (1 June) at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang for the first Service Sunday of the Gimhāna Period.  There will be meditation, chanting, and Dhamma teaching by Bro. H S Tan.  Vegetarian lunch will be served to all devotees after the Service.  See you at Nalanda. Sukhihontu!

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11 May 2014

Wesak Observance begins at Nalanda Centre

The 3-day Wesak Observance programme began in earnest at Nalanda Centre this morning. Since 7 am, devotees have been streaming into the centre in Sri Serdang.  The first official programme of the day was the morning Buddha-Pūja (offerings), meditation, and chanting, followed by a Dhamma Talk by Bro. Charlie Chia.

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