Sunday Service

2 July 2013

Five Daily Reflections

On 30 June, Bro. Benny Liow, Editor of YBAM’s Buddhist journal – the “Eastern Horizon”, gave a Dhamma talk on the “Five Daily Reflections”.  Bro. Benny quoted from the Upajjhatthana Sutta (AN 5.57) on the five facts of life that should often be reflected upon.

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26 June 2013

Happiness & Daily Aspiration

‘Happiness’ is but a fleeting emotion that lasts for just a short time, before it is displaced by other feelings. ‘Unhappiness’ on the other hand, can last for days or even years, because it can transmute into many forms – be it disappointment, jealousy or anger. Unhappiness is not so much the opposite of happiness, rather it is the absence of happiness.

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18 June 2013

Gimhana second Service Sunday

The second Service Sunday of the Gimhana period was held on 16 June. It was heartening to hear personal sharings from Sis. Margaret Ng, Sis. Buddhini Tan and Bro. Lee Teck Beng, who shared how the Buddha-Dhamma has impacted their lives, and how thankful they are for the opportunity to learn Dhamma and to serve the community.

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17 May 2013

First Service Sunday at NEO Centre Johor Bahru

The NEO Centre Johor Bahru had a wonderful beginning last Sunday with its first ‘Service Sunday’ held on 12 May.  More than 50 Nalanda officers and devotees attended the Service which started with meditation at 9am, followed by Pūja, Chanting, and Dhamma teaching by Bro Tan.

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16 March 2013

National Service trainees’ Service Sunday

On 10 March, Nalanda Youth Centre concluded the first batch of National Service Trainees’ Service Sunday for 2013. The Trainees participated in the reflection and recollection session to recall their journey in Nalanda.

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14 January 2013

Service Sunday for NS Trainees

Together we learn Dhamma! On 13 January, Nalanda Youth Centre (NYC) conducted its first Service Sunday for National Service (NS) trainees in year 2013 at Nalanda Centre. A total of 108 trainees from Semenyih NS Camp spent their Sunday meaningfully by performing wholesome deeds and learning Buddhist values through fun and dynamic activities arranged by 11 youths from NYC.

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26 October 2012

Seeking Wealth and Finding the Balance

Economic stability is essential for a man’s welfare and happiness.  With a stable economic position, one’s basic needs of food, shelter, clothing, and medicine can be easily met.  Then, we have a conducive platform for further worldly and spiritual attainment

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13 October 2012

Dhamma at the Workplace

As Buddhists, it is important that we apply the teachings in our everyday lives, including at work.  Bro. Charlie Chia gave a talk on “Practising Dhamma in Our Workplace”.  He discussed the importance of observing the Five Precepts at work.  Not only will we enjoy freedom from guilt, our colleagues and business counterparts will also find us credible and trustworthy.

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28 September 2012

Fostering healthy family relationships

“The mother-child relationship is paradoxical. It requires the most intense love on the mother’s side, yet this very love must help the child grow away from the mother, to become fully independent.”  - Erich Fromm

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25 September 2012

Positive Thinking

On 23 September 2012, for the first time, the Nalanda Youth Centre took charge of the programme for the National Service (NS) Trainees’ Service Sunday.  The theme was ‘Positive Thinking’.  The NS trainees were encouraged to have positive thoughts, as mind is the forerunner of all things.  They were also reminded not to dwell too much on the past, and instead to always aspire to be better in the near future and to make decisions wisely.  It was a lively and vibrant session as the trainees participated with enthusiasm and gusto!

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