Sunday Service

1 June 2018

Volunteer Appreciation Day

Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to thank all volunteers, donors, and devotees who contributed to the successful and inspiring 4-day celebration of Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ earlier this week.  Traditionally, the Sunday after ‘Buddha Day’ is dedicated to appreciating the spirit of selfless voluntary service.  Hence, we invite all volunteers of the ‘Buddha Day’ celebration to join us this Sunday for the morning service, followed by blessings and appreciation luncheon.

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21 May 2018

4 days of spiritual celebration

Wesak month full-moon commemorates the Blessed One’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago, and marks the beginning of Buddhist Year (B.E.) 2562.  Nalanda will observe ‘Buddha Day’ from 26 May (Saturday) to 29 May (Tuesday) with many wholesome activities.  We joyfully invite you to join us for the following programmes starting this weekend:

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16 March 2018

Nalanda Centre prepared for Centenary celebrations

18 March 2018 marks the birth centenary of the Most Venerable Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nāyaka Thero (1918 – 2006), the late Sanghanāyaka Thera of Malaysia, and Nalanda’s Spiritual Adviser.

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25 January 2018

Nalanda to host Ven. Seelananda

Nalanda Centre is honoured to host Venerable T. Seelananda Mahathera on his upcoming visit to Malaysia from 27 to 31 January.  Born in Sri Lanka, Ven. T. Seelananda is currently the deputy abbot of Bhāvanā Society in West Virginia, USA.  He is also the co-founder of Samatha-Vipassana Meditation Centre in Edmonton, Canada.

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20 November 2017

Daily mindfulness is essential practice

Report by Megan & Swee Har.

On Sunday 9 September, Sis. Santī Cheang gave a Dhamma sharing on mindfulness in daily activities.  All of us are composed of body and mind; but many people only focus on physical needs and nourishment, but not the cultivation of mind.

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15 November 2017

With unity, we stand strong

Report by Megan Lim.

On Sunday 2 September, Achariya Tan Siang Chye gave a Dhamma sharing on how to achieve unity and harmony within the community. The ‘Sangha’ as one of the ‘Three Jewels’ is the four-fold community envisioned by the Buddha – consisting of the Bhikkhu Sangha (monks), Bhikkhuni Sangha (nuns), Upasakā (laymen) and Upasikā (laywomen). A practitioner of virtue and concentration seeking to develop wisdom can be a member of this spiritual community.

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17 October 2017

Activities galore this weekend

Nalanda Centre will again be a hive of activity towards this weekend as a galore of interesting programmes are on offer.  We cordially invite you and your loved ones to participate in the activities listed below.  For detailed information, please feel free to contact Nalanda Office at 03-8938-1500.

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10 October 2017

Learning to live harmoniously

Report by Stephanie Chua.

On Sunday 27 August, Achariya S. Vijaya shared with us how harmonious living leads to happiness.  Living in harmony means not harbouring conflicts with the world, nor within ourselves.  Suffering arises when we try to conquer or change the world to suit our liking.  However the world and its quirks have always been the way they are for a long time.  Since we cannot change the world, we should instead change our attitude towards it by accepting the way it works, and learning to live in harmony with it.

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30 September 2017

Lecture on Theravāda Buddhism

Theravāda is one of the two major branches of Buddhism in the world today (the other being Mahāyana).  The Pāli term ‘Theravāda’ means “doctrine of the elders”, as this school of thought can trace its origins from the time of Emperor Asoka Moriya twenty-three centuries ago, making it the oldest existing Buddhist sect.

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15 September 2017

Knowing qualities of a worthy student

Report by Stephanie Chua.

On Sunday July 23, Sis. Santi was invited to give a Dhamma sharing on the qualities of a “worthy student” of Dhamma.  We often hear that, “when a student is ready, the teacher will appear”.  It means that when we are mentally ready for the Dhamma, anything around us can be the teacher, be it a person or an incident.

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