Sunday Service

17 March 2017

Dhamma talk by Ven. Seelananda

This Sunday, we invite you to participate in our Sunday Morning Service at Nalanda Centre with meditation, offerings, and Pāli chanting, followed by another Dhamma talk by Ven. T. Seelananda Mahathera.

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11 March 2017

‘Dhamma-Sarana Day’

12 March 2017 is ‘Dhamma-Sarana Day’ – it is the full-moon on a Sunday – and we encourage devotees to spend morning till evening at Nalanda Centre learning, practising, and contemplating the Dhamma.

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9 March 2017

Happiness at Home

Report by Megan.

On Sunday 15 January, seasoned Dhamma speaker Datuk Charlie Chia was invited to present a talk themed ‘Happiness at Home’. The family is a very important aspect of our lives.  Whatever the events that transpired throughout the day, every householder would definitely feel most recharged coming back to a peaceful and harmonious home.

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21 February 2017

First Sunday gathering of 2017

1 January is certainly an important date as it marks the first day of the New Year; but for Nalandians, it is also the ‘birthday’ of Nalanda Dhamma School.

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2 February 2017

The most powerful person in the world

Report by Chan Jia Xin.

On Sunday 27 November, Nalandians came together on ‘Samaggi Day’ for a Dhamma talk by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan on what constitutes ‘true power’.  Many people have the impression that ‘the most powerful person in the world’ is qualified by political position, wealth, the possession of weaponry, etc.  However, Bro. Tan said that this is merely a superficial and worldly view of ‘power’.

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1 February 2017

Nalanda Centre reopens 2 February

We are happy to inform you that Nalanda Centre, Youth Centre and Pustaka Nalanda (the Library) in Sri Serdang will resume operations tomorrow after the week-long Lunar New Year celebrations.

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29 January 2017

Education is ‘an enlightening experience’

On 11 December 2016, Nalandians observed Nalanda ‘Education Day’, which marked the anniversary of the launching of our “Education Philosophy”.  In conjunction with this important occasion, the Director of Nalanda Institute Achariya Tan Siang Chye gave a Dhamma talk expounding the purpose and importance of Buddhist education, highlighting its pivotal role in modern times.

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26 January 2017

Delightful day of discovery

Nalanda Youth Centre began the New Year with a joyous ‘Day of Discovery’ on Sunday, 8 January.  After an introduction to Nalanda by host Bro. Jie Sheng, the youths participated in a series of games which allowed everyone to bond and get to know one another better.

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7 January 2017

Giving is actually a great gain

Report by Chan Jia Xin.

On Sunday 13 November, Sis. Buddhinī Tan was invited to give a Dhamma sharing about the meaning behind the offering of robes and requisites.  She first explained that devotees make offerings as an expression of strong faith and gratitude to the Three Jewels, thinking of the Buddha as their exemplary teacher, the Dhamma as their guiding principle, and the Sangha as advisors for spiritual cultivation.

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5 January 2017

Talk on Dhamma, science, and reality

On Sunday 6 November, Director of Nalanda Institute Achariya Tan Siang Chye gave a talk on the Buddhist view on ‘Science and Faith’.  He first addressed the dichotomy between those who ‘understand the world through science’, and those who ‘understand’ it through religion.  Many followers of theistic religions tend to merely believe in what their religious books say.  On the other hand, with so-called empiricism, many people observe something ‘scientifically’ and choose to accept that as the truth.

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