
14 January 2016

Dhamma School year starts in J. B.

The Nalanda Dhamma School year began in Serdang, Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru centres simultaneously on Sunday, 3 January.  The Dhamma School in J.B. is catered for teenagers aged 13 to 17.  A total of 40 weekly sessions plus 3 special occasions are scheduled in the school calendar.

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3 January 2016

Joyful first day at Dhamma School

Nalanda Dhamma School had its first session of 2016 today with great zest, and packed with fun learning activities for teenagers and children.  The School now operates at 4 different locations – the Teenage School at Nalanda Centre, Junior School at Nalanda House Sri Serdang, Junior School at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur, and another Teenage School at NEO Centre Johor Bahru.

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2 January 2016

“Wise Reflection” learning camp

From 15 – 17 December, Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators and students jointly organised a successful camp for 68 youngsters ranging from 13 – 16 years old at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  This was the fourth and final learning camp for the year-end school holidays in 2015.

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29 December 2015

Teenagers shine at ‘Cermin Hati’ holiday camp

Nalanda Dhamma School (NDS) conducted its third holiday camp for teenagers on 8 – 10 December at Wat Sukhontharam, Tumpat in Kelantan.  It was a joint effort with Persatuan Meditasi Mettarama, Dhammarakkhita and Persatuan Peranakan Cina Kelantan (PPCK).

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30 November 2015

Ulu Tiram students visit Nalanda Centre

On Saturday 21 November, a group of Dhamma School students and six teachers from the Ulu Tiram Buddhist Association in Johor visited Nalanda Centre.   They have been planning the visit for a few months and was looking forward to their trip.  Nalanda officers gave the guests a warm welcome and took them on an educational tour of the Centre where they also learned about Buddhist culture and history.

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21 November 2015

JB Dhamma School students sit for Examination

Twenty-four Nalanda Dhamma School students at NEO Centre Johor Bahru sat for their year-end examination on Sunday 15 November.  The teenagers, aged between 13 to 17 years, had been attending Dhamma classes throughout the year.  It was wonderful to see the students so well-behaved and eager to sit for the exam.  They were tested on their basic understanding of Buddhism. Dhamma School Director Sis. Sunanda was at NEO Centre to help oversee the smooth running of the examination.

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7 November 2015

Dhamma School examination for teenagers

On Sunday 1 November, 50 students aged between 13 and 17 years old sat for the annual Nalanda Dhamma School examination.  They were tested on their basic knowledge of Buddhist scriptures, including ‘Dhammapada’ verses in Pāli Language, and devotional chanting, following 10 intensive study sessions which started in September.

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2 November 2015

SPM candidates get morale boost

It’s that time of year again, when thousands of students will be sitting for the SPM (Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia) examination.  To give moral support to Nalanda Dhamma School (NDS) students who are taking the examinations, NDS organised a get together on Saturday, 24 October to motivate and boost the confidence of the students, as well as foster the spirit of kalyana mitta among the officers, students and Nalanda Youth Centre members.

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1 September 2015

Nalanda Dhamma School Sports Day

On Sunday 23 August, Nalanda Dhamma School (NDS) organized a Sports Day at Kolej 11, Universiti Putra Malaysia.  The Sports Day aimed to promote physical well-being, and to strengthen the unity and friendship among the School members.  Nalandian youths with majority of them from the Alumni of NDS actively participated in the event.

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30 June 2015

Dhamma Study during School holidays

During the recent school holidays from 9 to 11 June, Nalanda Dharma School (NDS) organized special study groups for 3 batches of students to enhance their doctrinal knowledge as well as to prepare them for the Dharma School’s year-end examinations.

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