
5 June 2024

Leaders train in effective programming

‘Planning helps us get where we want to go’ – this indisputable statement was explored by Nalanda programme leads on Monday 3 June.  Guided by Ach. Tan Siang Chye, Director of Nalanda Institute Malaysia, 25 leaders of which many were new to programming explored the concepts, dynamics and implementation of learning objectives, learning outcomes and assessment to ensure that all the Society’s educational efforts are fruitful and beneficial to its participants.

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7 November 2023

Nalanda leaders gathered for training

On 28 to 29 October, 65 Nalanda leaders from Serdang Headquarters and Kuala Lumpur, Johor Bahru and Sungai Petani Branches came together to refresh and realign in their missionary.  Over these two days, the group explored various aspects important to their roles including the Society's Code of Conduct, ways to manage challenges and resolving issues in leading teams, and the importance of continuous learning.

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18 September 2023

Come join ‘F.U.N.’ with Nalanda youths

Nalanda Youth Centre is organising the Fellowship Undergraduate Network (F.U.N.) programme with the theme ‘Leading with Purpose’.  F.U.N. is a 6-session programme open to all university students aged 18 – 23 years old and will be held at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.

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16 June 2023

Continuous Learning for Dhamma School Facilitators

Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators gathered on Sunday 4 June for a full-day session to discuss and plan for upcoming school programmes. We thank our Dhamma School facilitators for taking the time and making the effort to guide our children and teenagers towards more skilful and harmonious lives, in accordance to Dhamma.

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6 April 2023

Volunteers skill-up at NEO KL

On Saturday 25 March, 30 volunteers joined a volunteers training programme at NEO KL in Happy Garden to develop their skills in service to the community.  Facilitated by Sis. Buddhinī Tan and Bro. Charlie Teng, volunteers recapped their important role in contributing towards a conducive learning experience.  Through our sincerity and care, we can better play our part in providing holistic educational opportunities based on Buddha-Dhamma.

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2 August 2022

Welcoming new volunteers at V.I.P

On Sunday 24 July, 44 new volunteers joined the Volunteer Induction Programme at Nalanda Centre, organised jointly by the Volunteer Centre and Training & Enhancement Centre.  Participants were warmly welcomed as they start their journey as a Buddhist volunteer and introduced to the Nalanda Eight Core Values and the Society’s Vision and Mission centered around holistic education.

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20 July 2022

Spirited retreat for Nalanda leaders

From 9 – 11 July, 40 Nalanda leaders from Serdang and branches gathered at Wisdom Park for a 3-day Leaders’ Retreat to discuss pertinent issues & challenges in carrying out the Society’s mission.  Leaders also explored ways to enhance leadership skills such as resolving conflict in interactive workshops.

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20 July 2022

Volunteer Induction Programme

Nalanda Volunteer Centre and Training & Enhancement Centre are jointly offering the Volunteer Induction Programme (VIP) on Sunday, 24 July, 2 – 5pm at Nalanda Centre.  We invite all registered participants to come and learn more about service opportunities at Nalanda, ethics and culture of a Buddhist volunteer, and much more which are fundamental to strengthen our spirit of community service.

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13 July 2019

Dhamma Family leaders’ training initiated in Johor Bahru

On Saturday 22 June, Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch held its first Dhamma Family Leaders’ Training session for 18 members, getting ready for the formation of Dhamma Families in Johor Bahru later this year.  Trainees learned and discussed the Buddha’s teachings to strengthen their practice.  They were also trained in communication and facilitation skills, group dynamics, and the Nalanda Education Model.  The leaders will facilitate Dhamma Family gatherings in future to enable deeper learning and personal transformation.

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28 March 2018

Workshop sets forward direction

The 3rd Annual Nalanda Education Workshop (N.E.W.) was conducted on 20 January 2018 to re-align our programmes and activities to fit Nalanda’s education philosophy.  Nalandian education officers from all over the country convened for this important training which provided deeper insights into the importance of integrating Dhamma knowledge (‘vijja’), practice (‘carana’), values, and culture into our approach to Buddhist education.

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