
15 July 2024

Wholesome Dhamma Day Observance this Saturday

This Saturday 20 July is the full-moon day of the Asalha month which marks the occasion over 2,600 years ago when the Buddha delivered the First Sermon on the ‘Four Noble Truths’ and the ‘Noble Eightfold Path’ to the world.  The occasion is also known as ‘Dhamma Day’, and is one of the seven observance days at Nalanda.

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14 July 2024

Ajahn Narindo on Path of Dhamma

On Saturday 6 July, Nalanda members and devotees gathered for the Uposatha Evening Service to learn from Ven. Ajahn Narindo.  He shared that Dhamma cultivation brings us on a path that goes against the worldly norms which can be difficult to walk.  However, when we persist in overturning our habitual likes, dislikes and attachments, we will find ourselves experiencing more joy and peace.

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6 July 2024

Dhamma talk tonight by Ajahn Narindo

Today, on the new-moon day of Āsālha, Nalanda members and devotees gathered since morning at Nalanda Centre for a day of cultivation.  Alternating between sitting and walking meditation sessions, the group received guidance from Ven. Ajahn Narindo, a monk of Chinese-Malaysian descent who has been residing and training at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery. 

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16 June 2024

Full-moon Uposatha service & Dhamma talk

On the coming Full-moon Day of ‘Jeṭṭha’ month this Thursday 20 June, we invite Buddhist practitioners to spend this day wisely reflecting on the Dhamma, performing meritorious deeds, and deepening our practice by observing the Eight Precepts. 

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7 June 2024

Starting Gimhana Retreat together on Uposatha Day

Yesterday evening, on Thursday 6 June, devotees joined the first Gimhana Uposatha Service at Nalanda Centre, in the company of good spiritual friends on the new-moon day of the Jettha month.  In the serenity of Nalanda Centre, we calmed our minds with evening chanting, meditation and refreshed our understanding of the Gimhana Retreat with Sis. Nandinī Tan. 

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6 June 2024

New-moon Uposatha service & Dhamma talk

Today is the New-moon Day for the month of ‘Jeṭṭha’ according to the Buddhist Calendar.  On observance days such as these, we invite all Buddhist practitioners to spend this day wisely reflecting on the Dhamma, performing meritorious deeds, and deepening our practice by observing the Eight Precepts. 

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26 February 2024

Esteemed visit by Tan Chao Khun Samai on Māgha Pūja Day

On Saturday 24 February, Nalanda was honoured to host Venerable Tan Chao Khun Samai for an alms-round on our monthly Pindacara route at Taman OUG morning market, a Dhamma Chat in Nalanda Community Centre, and a tour of Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  In just one day, Tan Chao Khun Samai made a mark on many members of the community through his teachings and benevolence in accepting offerings.

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24 February 2024

Māgha Pūja day

Today marks the historical occasion where the Buddha preached the ‘Ovada Patimokkha’ – the summary of His Teachings – at the famed Veluvana Monastery in Rājagaha more than 2,600 years ago.  The Buddha taught the spontaneous gathering of 1,250 Arahant bhikkhus the outline of Dhamma practice – “To abandon evil; cultivate virtues; and to purify one’s own mind”.

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25 January 2024

A wholesome Uposatha Day at Nalanda

Today, members and volunteers from across Nalanda’s educational divisions gathered to learn, discuss and plan for upcoming programmes at Nalanda Centre.  These trainings and meetings carried out harmoniously with kalyana-mittas are an important part of the education mission process to foster togetherness, enhance our skills and yield beneficial results.  This wholesome day continues with the group meditation and a Dhamma talk by Sis. Nandini Tan at NEO Centre in Happy Garden this evening at 8pm.

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17 September 2023

Learning with Ven. Ariyadhammika

On the evening of Assayuja New-moon, on Friday 15 September, Nalanda members and devotees learned more about the cultivation of virtues and the factors leading to harmony from Ven. Ariyadhammika.   Putting the congregation’s knowledge to the test, venerable sir engaged them in a quiz and embedded the teachings of Buddha when he expounded on each answer.

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