
15 September 2023

Arrival of Ven. Ariyadhammika & entourage

At 1pm today, Ven. Ariyadhammika and his entourage arrived at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Venerable will be delivering a Dhamma talk tonight at 8pm for the New-Moon Uposatha Service.  All are welcome!

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12 September 2023

Uposatha Service & Dhamma talk by Ven. Ariyadhammika

We invite you to join us this Friday 15 September on the new-moon day of the month Assayuja, for the evening Uposatha Service and a Dhamma talk by Ven. Ariyadhammika, Saṅghaṇāyaka of Sasanarakha Buddhist Sanctuary Monk Training Centre in Taiping. Ven. Ariyadhammika, who is from Austria, was ordained in 2005 in Myanmar with Pa-Auk Sayadaw as his preceptor and meditation teacher.

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11 September 2023

New-moon Uposatha Service & Dhamma talk by Ven. Ariyadhammika

We invite you to join us this Friday 15 September, on the new-moon day of the month Assayuja, for the evening Uposatha Service and a Dhamma talk by Ven. Ariyadhammika, Saṅghaṇāyaka of Sasanarakha Buddhist Society Monk Training Centre, Taiping.  Ven. Ariyadhammika, who is from Austria, ordained in 2005 in Myanmar with Pa-Auk Sayadaw as his preceptor and meditation teacher.

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30 August 2023

Full-moon Uposatha – 7th lunar month

Today is the Full-moon Day for the month of ‘Poṭṭhapāda’ in the Buddhist Calendar.  We invite all Buddhist practitioners to spend this day wisely reflecting on the Dhamma, performing meritorious deeds, and deepening our practice by observing the 8 Precepts. 

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30 May 2023

Full-moon Uposatha Service & Dhamma talk by Ven. Alokavamsa

We invite you to observe the Jeṭṭha full-moon with us at Nalanda, this Friday 2 June.  The evening Uposatha Service starts at 8pm with puja, meditation and a Dhamma talk by Ven. Alokavamsa, an Indonesian monk.  Ven. Alokavamsa is a practitioner at Pa-Auk Meditation Centre in Myanmar and is residing at Nalanda until 15 June, during his visit to Malaysia.  All are welcome.

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19 May 2023

Gimhāna Retreat B.E. 2567 starts today

For seven weeks after the Buddha’s Enlightenment on Wesak full-moon in May, He contemplated on the Dhamma with His perfectly clear faculty of comprehension.  Then, He travelled for seven days from Bodhgaya to Sarnath, where He preached the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta on the Asalha full-moon (Dhamma Day) in July.

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17 May 2023

New-moon Uposatha Service & Dhamma talk by Ven. Rāhula

We invite you to join us this Friday 19 May for the Jeṭṭha New-moon Uposatha Service, which will mark the start of Nalanda’s ‘Gimhana Retreat’.   The service commences at 8pm with evening chanting and a Dhamma talk by Venerable Rāhula, a monk of Mexican descent who ordained in 2015.  Ven. Rāhula has learned and practiced with respected teachers including Ven. Sayadaw U Tejaniya, Ven. Sayadaw Dr. Ukkamsacara and his preceptor Ven. Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa.

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11 May 2023

Jeṭṭha New-moon Uposatha Service & Dhamma talk by Ven. Rāhula

We invite you to join us this Friday 19 May for the Jeṭṭha New-moon Uposatha Service, which will mark the start of Nalanda’s ‘Gimhana Retreat’. The service commences at 8pm with evening chanting and a Dhamma talk by Venerable Rāhula, a monk of Mexican descent who ordained in 2015. Ven. Rāhula has learned and practiced with respected teachers including Ven. Sayadaw U Tejaniya, Ven. Sayadaw Dr. Ukkamsacara and his preceptor Ven. Sayadaw Dr. Nandamālābhivaṃsa.

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6 March 2023

Dhamma talk by Ven. Dr. S. Pemaratana

Grab the opportunity to learn from Ven. Dr. S. Pemaratana tonight at Nalanda Centre as he gives a Dhamma talk on “Path to Purification”.

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13 February 2023

Uposatha Service with Ven. S. Pemaratana

On this Uposatha Day observance, join us for the evening service.  There will be a Dhamma talk by Ven. S. Pemaratana after the evening chanting.  All are welcome.

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