
27 July 2014

Developing faith with proper understanding

Report by Muditā  |  Photographs by Gan Jia Cheng

The Āsālha full-moon day fell on Friday, 11 July this year.  This special day commemorates the anniversaries of the Bodhisatta’s Conception, His Great Renunciation and the Buddha’s preaching of the first sermon – the ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ (Discourse on ‘Turning the Wheel of Dhamma’).  It was also on this day, too, that the Sangha was established and the ‘Three Refuges’ complete.

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10 July 2014

Asalha Full-moon ‘Dhamma Day’ Observance

According to Theravada tradition, Asalha (month) Full-moon Day marks the anniversaries of the Bodhisatta’s Conception, His Great Renunciation, and the Buddha’s preaching of the first sermon – the ‘Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta’ (Discourse on ‘Turning the Wheel of Dhamma’).

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16 June 2014

‘Jettha’ Full-moon Uposatha Service

On Thursday 12 June, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre for the ‘Jettha’ month Full-moon Uposatha Day Service.  The day marked exactly one month after the Buddha’s enlightenment.  According to tradition, the Buddha spent that period pondering upon the many facets and details of Dhamma, and enjoying the bliss of ‘Nibbāna’.

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12 June 2014

Full-moon Uposatha Pūja

Today is the full-moon day for the month of Jettha – an important period in Buddhist history because after His Enlightenment, the Buddha spent this whole month pondering upon deep Dhamma.  We welcome everyone to join us at Nalanda Centre tonight for an evening of meditation, pūja, chanting, and Dhamma teaching by Bro Tan.  Come experience the joy of learning and practising in the company of like-minded spiritual friends.  All are welcome!

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3 June 2014

Jeṭṭha New-moon Uposatha Day Observance

Thursday 29 May was the New-moon day of Jeṭṭha month.  Nalandians and devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre Sri Serdang for Uposatha Observance and an evening of spiritual nurturing.  After meditation, pūja and chanting, Bro. Tan gave an inspiring Dhamma teaching based on the Buddhist parable of “blind men describing an elephant”.

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29 May 2014

Uposatha Pūja & Dhamma Talk today

Today is the new-moon day for the month of Jeṭṭha, and the first Uposatha Observance day during our annual ‘Gimhāna Period’.  We welcome everyone to join us at Nalanda Centre tonight for an evening of meditation, pūja, chanting, and Dhamma teaching by Bro Tan.  The programme tonight starts at 8.00pm.  Come experience the joy of learning and practising in the company of like-minded spiritual friends.  All are welcome!

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29 April 2014

Wesak New-moon Uposatha today

Today is the New-moon Uposatha Day, and the start of the month of Wesak (Pāli, ‘Vesakha’).  In another two weeks, Buddhists in Malaysia will celebrate the Wesak Full-moon ‘Buddha Day’.

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3 April 2014

New-Moon Uposatha Service

On Monday 31 March, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre for the New-moon Uposatha (Observance) Day pūja and chanting.  The day also marked the conclusion of 7-day prayers for the casualties of MH370, which started since the broadcast of the heartbreaking official news on 24 March on the crash of the airplane in the Indian Ocean.

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29 March 2014

Phagguna Full-moon Uposatha Pūja

Saturday, 15 March was the Phagguna Full-moon Uposatha Day.  As customary, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre for the 8pm evening Uposatha Day Pūja and chanting.  Many practitioners also regularly observe the 8-precepts on New-moon and Full-moon days to heighten their spiritual awareness and appreciation.

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14 February 2014

Today is Māgha Pūja Day

We welcome you to join us at Nalanda Centre in tonight’s Uposatha Pūja starting at 8pm. Today happens to be the religiously significant ‘Māgha Pūja ’ Day.  ‘Māgha ’ is the name of a month in the Buddhist calendar; hence ‘Māgha Pūja ’ is observed on the full-moon day of that month.

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