
13 July 2024

Youths visit Tzu Chi to learn about recycling

This morning, 13 July, 9 Nalanda youths and Nalanda leader Sis. Evelyn Chow visited Tzu Chi Recycling Centre in Seri Kembangan to learn and understand the types of materials which can be recycled as well as the proper ways to prepare them after use.  With this knowledge and hands-on learning experience, the youths are upskilling themselves to reduce waste at the upcoming Family Fun Fair through cleaning and recycling.

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20 June 2024

Buddhist Societies from Sarawak visit Nalanda Centre

On Sunday 16 June, Nalanda members welcomed leaders from five Buddhist societies in Sarawak for an exchange at Nalanda Centre.  This visit organised by YBAM (Young Buddhist Association Malaysia) Sarawak State Liaison Committee (马佛青砂拉越州联委会), provided an opportunity for everyone to make new acquaintances and learn from each other.

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19 June 2024

Luang Por Amaro visits Wisdom Park

On Wednesday 19 June, Nalanda members warmly received Luang Por Amaro on his maiden visit to Wisdom Park.  Luang Por toured the parks, pavilions and buildings which were built to provide a conducive environment to facilitate the learning and practice of Dhamma.  He rejoiced in the availability and usage of Wisdom Park for the growth and learning of the Buddhist community.

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17 April 2024

Join us to learn from Ajahn Kusalo tonight

Ajahn Kusalo has just arrived at Nalanda Centre this evening.  Led by Sis. Nandini Tan, members warmly welcomed Ajahn Kusalo who last visited us in December 2022.  We invite you to join us tonight to learn and reflect on the Dhamma with Ajahn Kusalo.  The evening service starts at 8pm.  All are welcome!

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6 April 2024

Ven. Cunda and Ajahn Bodhidhaja visit Wisdom Park

On Sunday 31 March, we welcomed Ven. Cunda and Ajahn Bodhidhaja to Wisdom Park for a short visit.  Both monks are from Bodhinyana Monastery in Western Australia and had just conducted meditation retreats in Johor Bahru and Klang Valley.  An opportune meeting, participants of the 2nd National Camp for Dhamma School Teachers warmly greeted venerable sirs and listened carefully to their words of advice.

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28 March 2024

Hosting and learning with Ven. Ajahn Visālo

From 21 to 26 March, Nalanda Centre hosted Ven. Ajahn Visālo, an Indonesian monk who ordained under Luang Por Liem, Abbot of Wat Nong Pah Pong.  Devotees and members were grateful for the opportunity to associate with a well-practised teacher to learn the Dhamma and make offerings.

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21 March 2024

Ajahn Visālo arrives at Nalanda

We are honoured to receive Ven. Ajahn Visālo at Nalanda Centre today, where he will stay from 21– 26 March. Ajahn will give his first talk TONIGHT, 8pm at NEO Centre Kuala Lumpur.  His next talk will be this Sunday, 9am at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.

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21 February 2024

Hosting Gurun Buddhist Association at Wisdom Park

Last weekend, on the 18 to 19 February, we hosted 24 members and volunteers of Gurun Buddhist Association on their visit to Wisdom Park.  Led by their President Bro. Tan King Leong & Deputy Bro. Heng Meng Huan, the group consisted of the association’s Dhamma School teachers and their children, who were on route to Borobudor, Indonesia for a learning trip.

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5 February 2024

Hosting Ven. Chuan Wen and Buddhist leaders at Wisdom Park

On Sunday 21 January, we welcomed Ven. Chuan Wen 传闻法师, abbess of Hoeh Beng Buddhist Temple 鹤鸣禅寺 and leaders from Chempaka Buddhist Lodge 千百家佛教居士林 to Wisdom Park.  The group toured the campus and rejoiced in its peaceful environment which is conducive for Dhamma learning and spiritual cultivation.

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1 February 2024

Hosting Ajahn Dhammasīha at Wisdom Park

On Saturday 20 January, we joyfully welcomed Ajahn Dhammasīha, Abbot of Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage, in Brisbane, Australia to Wisdom Park.  In this short visit on his transit from Thailand, Ajahn toured the educational campus with members, who shared the Park’s objectives and Dhamma programmes hosted here.

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