
Refers to visiting (notable) individuals or groups to Nalanda, either formal (organised) or informal (impromptu).

16 November 2023

Youth Exchange Programme starts today

This morning, Nalanda youths and volunteers received participants of the “Jambudvipa-Suvarnabhumi Buddhist Youth Exchange Programme (YEP)” who had travelled overnight from Ladakh.  Joyful to meet new Dhamma friends, both Malaysians and Ladakhis are eager to learn together and also learn more about each other over the next 10 days, with the commencement of YEP today.

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4 November 2023

Safe journeys to Firefly Mission friends

Friends from Firefly Mission Singapore have just set off from Kuala Kubu Bahru an hour ago, after spending the last three days in a joyful Dhamma Camp at Wisdom Park.  We rejoice in your learning spirit and wise reflections, and wish the group a safe trip as they journey on to the ‘kathina’ celebrations in Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary.  Sadhu!

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20 July 2023

Buddhist community tours Wisdom Park on ‘Open Day’

On 8 to 9 July, Nalanda members and volunteers joyfully welcomed members of the Buddhist community to Wisdom Park on its first ‘Open Day’.  From small families to groups travelling in busses, volunteers gladly hosted Sangha members, Buddhist leaders, Dhamma speakers, benefactors, volunteers and devotees totaling more than 800 on guided tours throughout the two days.

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15 June 2023

Sending off Ven. Alokavamsa & his entourage

On Thursday 15 June, devotees sent off Ven. Alokavamsa and his entourage after a 3-week stay at Nalanda Centre.  We thank Venerable for the bountiful opportunities to make meal-offerings, serve Sangha members, and have candid Dhamma discussions.

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3 April 2023

Blessed weekend of hosting monks at Nalanda Centre

Just last weekend, Nalanda Centre was abuzz with activities to host members of the monastic Sangha from across Malaysia.  Members and volunteers gathered joyously to welcome, serve and learn from the monks, one of the highest blessings as expounded by the Buddha – Samanānañ ca dassanam translated as ‘sight of the holy men’.

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11 March 2023

Centres of higher learning visits Nalanda

On Tuesday 21 February, Nalanda leaders welcomed representatives from 大马佛教大学 Dharma Buddhist University (DBU), Bentong and Sekolah Tinggi Agama Buddha Nalanda, Indonesia to Nalanda Centre for a leadership exchange.  On this maiden visit to Nalanda Centre, the group was brought on a building tour to learn about Buddhist history, culture and values that were embedded in its architecture and design.

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20 November 2022

Leadership exchange between Nalanda & Buddhist Fellowship youths

From 12 – 13 November, Nalanda Youth Centre hosted 4 leaders from Buddhist Fellowship Youth Singapore for two days of leadership exchange.  It was the maiden visit for the Singaporean youth leaders, and they were brought on an extensive building tour of Nalanda Centre to learn more about Buddhist history, culture and values that were embedded in its architecture and design.

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7 November 2022

Hosting Ven. Sujiva at Nalanda

On Sunday 30 October, Nalanda was honoured to host Ven. Sujiva for a Dhamma talk in his maiden visit to Nalanda Centre.  Many devotees including leaders from the Buddhist community rejoiced in the opportunity to welcome and meet Ven. Sujiva as he had been based in Europe and USA over the past 20 years.  Prior to that, Venerable had taught meditation in Santisukharama Hermitage in Kota Tinggi, Johor and held many retreats throughout Malaysia.

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5 September 2022

Youths host Sunway University Buddhist Society

On Sunday 28 August, Nalanda Youth Centre hosted 20 students from Sunway University Buddhist Society at the weekly Youth Sunday Service. After the morning meditation and chanting, a youth forum was moderated by Sis. Lim Xin to explore how young adults can face uncertainty at different junctures in their lives.

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4 June 2022

A wonderful Wesak observance

Have a glimpse of the wonderful Wesak observance we had at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang from 8 – 15 May 2022.  This NalandaTV production hopes to share with everyone some of the uplifting moments we had during the auspicious occasion.

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