
Refers to visiting (notable) individuals or groups to Nalanda, either formal (organised) or informal (impromptu).

25 February 2018

Youth Leaders’ Training Programme

From 27 February to 7 March 2018, Nalanda Buddhist Society will host the inaugural “Indian Buddhist Youth Leaders’ Training Programme” in Sri Serdang and Kuala Lumpur.  Nalanda is undertaking this important project in partnership with several Buddhist organizations in India as part of our long-term vision to propagate Buddha-Dhamma in its land of origin, and to revitalize the proper learning and practice of Buddhism there.

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17 February 2018

Dhamma teachers visit Nalanda

On Sunday 5 November, Nalanda Centre was honoured by the visit of 10 members from Maha Satipatthana Society (MSS) in Klang and 4 members from Malaysian Buddhist Meditation Centre (MBMC) in Penang.  This was a follow-up visit after the National Camp for Dhamma School Teachers organised by Nalanda in September 2017.

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20 December 2017

Nalanda to host Ajahn Kalyāno

On 24 and 25 December 2017, Nalanda Centre will be hosting Ven. Ajahn Kalyāno, the abbot of Lokuttara Buddhist Monastery in Skiptvet, Norway, a branch monastery in the Thai forest tradition of Ajahn Chah.  Join us for a Dhamma talk by Ajahn Kalyāno on Sunday 24 December, at 8.00pm.

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2 December 2017

Nalanda to host Ven. Thubten Chodron

Nalanda Centre will be hosting renowned and inspiring Dhamma teacher, Ven. Thubten Chodron, on her upcoming visit to Malaysia.  Ven. Thubten Chodron is the Founder and Abbess of Sravasti Abbey – a Tibetan Buddhist monastery for monks and nuns in America.

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22 November 2017

Teachings by Ven. Thubten Chodron

Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana — what do these words really mean?  Are they completely different expressions of the Buddha’s teachings?  In this series of 3 evening talks in December, Ven. Thubten Chodron encourages us to look beyond the superficial differences between Buddhist traditions, and explore how all forms of Buddhism, amidst their rich diversity, share a common heritage and even goals.

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16 November 2017

Nalanda to host Ayya Dhammanandī

Nalanda Centre is hosting Venerable Ayya Dhammanandī from 18 to 20 November.  Hailing from Singapore, Ayya Dhammanandī is currently studying at the International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University in Yangon and is an avid meditator.  We invite everyone to offer her breakfast dāna at 7.00am and lunch dāna at 11.00am, on 19 and 20 November.  You may bring along vegetarian food or fruits to offer her.  All are welcome!

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9 November 2017

Dhamma teaching by Ajahn Jayasaro

Excellent news for the Buddhist community in Malaysia!  We are pleased to inform you that Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro will give a Dhamma talk at Nalanda Centre this Friday evening, starting 8.00pm.

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31 October 2017

Hosting Buddhist Fellowship youths

On 9 and 10 September, Nalanda Youth Centre hosted a group of youth members from Buddhist Fellowship Singapore.  Their short but fruitful visit was an opportunity for Nalandian youths to reconnect with our spiritual friends from across the causeway, and to exchange ideas on how to reach out to the youth community with Dhamma.

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29 October 2017

Visit by Firefly Mission Singapore

On Saturday 21 October, 80 members of Firefly Mission from Singapore led by their President Dr. Ng Yee Kong visited Nalanda Centre as part of their ‘Kathina’ season merit-making tour of Malaysia.  It was Firefly’s sixth consecutive year visiting Nalanda, and one of the events Nalandians look forward to annually.

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17 October 2017

Activities galore this weekend

Nalanda Centre will again be a hive of activity towards this weekend as a galore of interesting programmes are on offer.  We cordially invite you and your loved ones to participate in the activities listed below.  For detailed information, please feel free to contact Nalanda Office at 03-8938-1500.

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