
Refers to visiting (notable) individuals or groups to Nalanda, either formal (organised) or informal (impromptu).

27 August 2017

SBDC officers visit Nalanda

On Thursday 6 July, the President of Selangor Buddhist Development Council (SBDC) Bro. Loka Ng, accompanied by Bro. Cedric Tan, paid a visit to Sri Serdang to discuss preparations for the upcoming National Conference on Buddhist Civilisation with Bro Tan.

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24 August 2017

Visit by Ven. Dr. S. Pemarathana

On Friday 23 June, Nalanda Centre was honoured to receive Venerable Dr. S. Pemarathana, the abbot of Pittsburgh Buddhist Center in the U.S.A.  It was the venerable’s first visit to Sri Serdang, and he was warmly and respectfully welcomed by Nalanda officers and members.

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29 June 2017

Sangha members visit Nalanda

On Saturday 13 May, Nalanda Centre was blessed by the visit of 20 monks and 2 nuns from Sri Lanka.  The monastic congregation had come to Malaysia to serve the local community on the occasion of Wesak, when many Buddhist centres requested Sangha members to conduct religious activities.

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20 June 2017

Ven. Dhammavuddho visits Nalanda

On Saturday 17 June, Nalanda Centre was honoured to receive a visit by Venerable Dhammavuddho Mahāthera, the Founder-Abbot of Vihara Buddha Gotama in Temoh, Perak; he was accompanied by Ven. Khantipalo and Bro. Vipassi.

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9 June 2017

Landmark agreement to revitalise Buddhism in India

Report by Ajita.

Nalanda Centre was honoured to host Ven. Sanghasena Mahathera and his two key assistants from Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre in Ladakh – Mrs. Dorma and Ms. Kunzang – on their recent visit to Malaysia from 18 to 20 April.  Ven. Sanghasena was here to conduct discussions with Nalanda founder Bro. Tan on plans to help revitalise Buddhism in India.

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8 June 2017

Hosting a monk of compassion

Nalanda Centre recently hosted the renowned social-reformer and inspiring teacher – Venerable Sanghasena Mahathera – on his trip to Malaysia.  Ven. Sanghasena, who is the Founder and President of Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre in Ladakh, arrived from India for a 3-day visit from 18th to 20th April.

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28 May 2017

Visit by friends from Beji, Indonesia

Over the weekend of 8 and 9 April, Nalanda Centre hosted a visit by our friends from Pa-Auk Tawya Vipassanā Dhura Hermitage (PATVDH) in Beji, Java.  The group of ten was led by Bro. Phang Hok Lij on their first-ever visit to Serdang.  Upon arrival, the visitors were warmly received by Nalandians, and brought on a tour of the Centre.

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20 April 2017

Visit by friends from Singapore

Over the weekend on 11 and 12 March, Nalanda Centre was honoured to host 12 members of Buddhist Fellowship (BF) Singapore, and Bliss & Wisdom Society; the group was led by Bro. Jerry Ong of BF.  Our friends were warmly welcomed by Nalanda officers upon arrival on Saturday, and were brought on a building tour by Nalanda founder Bro. Tan personally.

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17 April 2017

Talk by Ajahn Buddharakkhita

On Wednesday 8 March, Nalanda Centre was honoured to host Venerable Ajahn Buddharakkhita from Ireland.  As the day also marked the third anniversary of MH370 incident, Nalandians took the opportunity to invite Ajahn for a Dhamma talk after the weekly meditation session.

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16 April 2017

Venerable Sanghasena to visit Nalanda

Nalanda Centre is honoured to host renowned social-reformer and inspiring teacher – Venerable Sanghasena Mahathera – on his upcoming journey to Malaysia.  Ven. Sanghasena, who is the Founder and President of Mahabodhi International Meditation Centre in Ladakh, will arrive at Nalanda from India for a 2-day visit starting this Tuesday, 18 April.

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