
Refers to visiting (notable) individuals or groups to Nalanda, either formal (organised) or informal (impromptu).

27 December 2016

Visit by Universiti Malaya student leaders

On Sunday 27 November, 12 committee members of Persatuan Buddhis Universiti Malaysia (PBUM) paid a visit to Nalanda Centre.  It was the first visit for the new management committee, who came to explore and learn more about the work done at Nalanda.

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3 December 2016

Exhibition on ‘Wisdom Park’ launched

A special exhibition on Wisdom Park was officially launched on Sunday 27 November at Nalanda Centre. The exhibition is held in honour of the first anniversary of Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC), which was formed in October 2015 and entrusted to conceptualise a “Master Development Plan” for Wisdom Park, reflecting its function as a national Buddhist education hub.

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2 November 2016

Visit by Dr. Punna Wong

On Sunday 25 September, Buddhist stalwart and Dhamma speaker from Johor Bahru Dr. Punna Wong Yin Onn visited Nalanda Centre to present his newly-launched book, “Walking in the Buddha’s Footprints: 100 Reflective Essays”.

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27 October 2016

Visit by Firefly Mission Singapore

On Saturday 22 October, 90 members of Firefly Mission Singapore visited Nalanda Centre as part of their ‘Kathina’-season tour of Malaysia, led by their President Dr. Ng Yee Kong.  This was the Mission’s fifth consecutive year visiting Nalanda, and one of the events Nalandians look forward to annually.

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19 October 2016

Nalanda hosts Ayya Santinī today

Nalanda Centre is honoured to host Venerable Bhikkhunī Santinī Therī today for a short visit.  Ayya Santinī is a well-regarded meditation teacher and renowned Dhamma speaker from Indonesia.  She is the Abbess of Wisma Kusalayani, a bhikkhuni-training centre near Lembang in West Java.

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17 October 2016

Visit by Temerloh Buddhists

On Monday 22 August, Nalanda Centre welcomed a visit by Venerable Bhikshuni Tian Yuan (天愿法师) and three devotees from Chze Earn Temple (慈恩寺) in Temerloh, Pahang.  The venerable and devotees made that special trip to learn more about Nalanda’s education philosophy and approach.

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6 October 2016

Mdm. Gamage visit Nalanda Centre

The youngest sister of the late Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda, Madam K. H. Gamage from Colombo, visited Nalanda Centre recently in conjunction with the 10th anniversary of the late venerable’s passing.  It was Mdm. Gamage’s first visit to Nalanda, and she was accompanied by daughter Dayani Hemadasa, and grandson Dhaninda L. A. Hemadasa.

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19 September 2016

Selangor Exco Member at Nalanda event

Nalanda was honoured to host Yang Berhormat Dato’ Teng Chang Khim, a senior Selangor State EXCO Member, at our recent ‘Family Fun Fair’ held in Sri Serdang.  Despite his busy schedule, Dato’ Teng accepted Nalanda’s invitation to be our Guest-of-honour at the festive event.

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17 September 2016

Visitors to Nalanda Centre

Nalanda Centre recently received the visit of Ajahn Thipawan from Thailand and Mae Chee Punnisa of Gotami Vihara, Malaysia.  It was the third time Ajahn Thipawan had visited Nalanda since her first trip here back in 2005.

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14 September 2016

Theravada Council leaders visit Nalanda

The leaders of Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia (TBCM) recently paid a courtesy visit to Nalanda Centre to meet with Bro Tan.  TBCM President Bro. Tan Leng Huat and Honorary Secretary-General Bro. Lee Kok Cheng were elected to their respective positions following the Council’s Annual General Meeting in May 2016.

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