Volunteer Centre

14 April 2023

Volunteer briefing at Nalanda Centre

We welcome all ‘Buddha Day’ volunteers to attend the Volunteer Briefing at 1pm this Sunday 16 April, at Nalanda Centre.  The briefing includes an introduction to the Buddha Day programmes from 3 to 7 May, and a familiarisation of your roles with the team leads.  We thank you in advance for stepping forward to play a part in this auspicious event and wish you happy service!

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5 December 2022

Happy International Volunteers Day

Today, 5 December is International Volunteer Day (IVD), an annual celebration for organisations and volunteers to commemorate their efforts and share their values.  This year’s theme “Solidarity through volunteering” highlights the power of our collective humanity to drive positive change through volunteerism.

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2 August 2022

Welcoming new volunteers at V.I.P

On Sunday 24 July, 44 new volunteers joined the Volunteer Induction Programme at Nalanda Centre, organised jointly by the Volunteer Centre and Training & Enhancement Centre.  Participants were warmly welcomed as they start their journey as a Buddhist volunteer and introduced to the Nalanda Eight Core Values and the Society’s Vision and Mission centered around holistic education.

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20 July 2022

Volunteer Induction Programme

Nalanda Volunteer Centre and Training & Enhancement Centre are jointly offering the Volunteer Induction Programme (VIP) on Sunday, 24 July, 2 – 5pm at Nalanda Centre.  We invite all registered participants to come and learn more about service opportunities at Nalanda, ethics and culture of a Buddhist volunteer, and much more which are fundamental to strengthen our spirit of community service.

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11 November 2019

Recruiting officers for Wisdom Park

After 2 years of physical construction which began in January 2018, Wisdom Park is gradually being transformed into a delightful campus which will host training and educational programmes for future Buddhist leaders and teachers.  The facility is on schedule to be operational by 1 May 2020.

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6 August 2019

Thank you to ‘Family Fun Fair’ volunteers

Last Sunday 4 August, we invited volunteers and stall operators of the recent Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ 2019 for a simple lunch to thank them for their contribution towards the success of the event.  The Organising Chairperson, Sis. Evelyn expressed her deep appreciation to everyone for their support in hosting the largest Family Fun Fair to-date.

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24 July 2019

The final sprint for Family Fun Fair

With just a few days to the Family Fun Fair, Nalanda Centre has been brimming with Dhamma School students, volunteers and supporters as the finer details of the Family Fun Fair are being finalized.  Volunteer briefings, stall arrangements, community engagement, exhibition booth preparations, and ‘pre-sales’ are well underway as everyone is gearing up to host friends, family and visitors this Sunday 28 July.

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9 August 2018

Volunteer Appreciation Day

Last Sunday’s Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ was the biggest event we ever organised in Sri Serdang.  An estimated 12,000 people participated in the Fair to help raise funds for ‘Wisdom Park’.  We owe the success of this event to our wonderful team of tireless volunteers who numbered around 400 this year.  Your dedication to community service and selfless spirit were simply amazing!

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1 June 2018

Volunteer Appreciation Day

Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to thank all volunteers, donors, and devotees who contributed to the successful and inspiring 4-day celebration of Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ earlier this week.  Traditionally, the Sunday after ‘Buddha Day’ is dedicated to appreciating the spirit of selfless voluntary service.  Hence, we invite all volunteers of the ‘Buddha Day’ celebration to join us this Sunday for the morning service, followed by blessings and appreciation luncheon.

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10 September 2017

One-day training for volunteers

The Nalanda Volunteer Centre (VC) was formally established on 1 May 2017 with the objective of engaging and growing our volunteer force.  A ‘Volunteer Induction Programme’ was organised on 29 July for regular volunteers to strengthen the spirit and culture of community service.

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