
Pertaining to Wacana Buddhist Conferences organised by Nalanda Institute.

16 July 2017

WACANA 2017 Keynote Presentation

On 1 July, Āyasmā Aggacitta gave the keynote presentation at WACANA 2017 Buddhist Conference, where he outlined the importance of distinguishing the ‘essential teachings’ of the Buddha from later cultural accretions.  The text of his presentation is available here for our study and reflection.  We would like to thank Venerable Aggacitta for giving us permission to publish the keynote presentation.

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11 July 2017

Terrific video on WACANA 2017

Just a week ago on 1 July, Nalanda Institute and the Theravāda Buddhist Council of Malaysia jointly organised the successful and truly inspiring WACANA 2017. More than 600 people participated in this largest Buddhist Conference in Malaysia this year, which was themed “The Buddha-Word: Discovering the Essential”.

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4 July 2017

New books published in July

Nalanda Buddhist Society has just printed another 17,000 copies of Ajahn Buddhadāsa’s booklets, namely “Nibbāna for Everyone” (NEW release), “Kamma in Buddhism”*, “Living in the Present”*, and “Getting Started in Mindfulness with Breathing”* (*all second editions) for free distribution throughout Malaysia.  In addition, Nalanda Institute also published a new book – “The Buddha-Word : Discovering the Essential” – for WACANA 2017 Buddhist Conference held on 1 July.

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2 July 2017

Thanks and appreciation for supporting WACANA 2017

WACANA 2017 Buddhist Conference successfully concluded yesterday (1 July) with much rejoicing and compliments from the speakers, participants, and volunteers.  We are grateful to devotees who came from all over Malaysia, as well as participants from Singapore, Indonesia, Hong Kong, India, Sri Lanka, and Australia, to take part in the high-spirited Conference.  Thank you for your enthusiastic support!

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30 June 2017

Biggest Buddhist conference in Malaysia awaits you

Nalanda Institute officers and volunteers are in high spirits with anticipation to host more than 600 participants of WACANA 2017 tomorrow.  Preparations for the biggest Buddhist conference of the year in Malaysia are almost complete.  We expect a hundred outstation and overseas guests to arrive in Kuala Lumpur today by road, rail, and air; many of them will be putting up at Saujana Hotel in Subang and Nalanda Centre tonight.

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23 June 2017

All prepared for WACANA 2017

As the clock ticks down to WACANA 2017 Buddhist Conference, Nalanda Institute officers have been working round the clock to ensure a successful event.  Teams in charge of the programme, forums, exhibition, logistics and others are busy making final preparations to accommodate more than 600 participants at this important gathering on Saturday, 1 July.

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18 June 2017

Visit to WACANA 2017 venue

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan recently visited the Saujana Hotel and Resort, venue for the upcoming WACANA 2017 Buddhist Conference, to have a look at the facilities there.  He was joined by several members of the Organising Team, including Bro. K. C. Tan, Deputy President of the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia.

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11 June 2017

Thank you for registering

Nalanda Institute Malaysia and the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia are grateful to everyone who registered for WACANA 2017.  Congratulations to you for choosing to participate in this important Buddhist Conference.  Due to good response, both the on-line and postal registration facilities are officially closed on Sunday, 11 June 2017, at 7.00pm.  The number of registered participants as of now has exceeded the target 500 people.

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10 June 2017

WACANA registration to close earlier

In this short video-clip, veteran Dhammaduta and local favourite Datuk Charlie Chia invites Buddhist community leaders, teachers, and devotees to participate in WACANA 2017, which will be held on Saturday 1 July, in Subang, Selangor.

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5 June 2017

Conference to focus on ‘essential Buddhism’

Nalanda Institute and the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia are organising WACANA 2017 Buddhist Conference on Saturday 1 July, in Subang, Selangor. The theme for this year’s conference is “The Buddha Word – Discovering the Essential”. We wish to address the challenge many people face today in learning about Buddhism – what exactly did the Buddha teach? What teachings, doctrines, and practices constitute the ‘Buddha Word’?

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