
27 June 2024

Junior Dhamma School nurtures bonds

On Saturday June 22, over 30 students, parents and facilitators from Nalanda Junior Dhamma School had their first outing at Wisdom Park to cultivate family well-being and experience the joy of service. 

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25 March 2024

‘Happy Young Adults’ explore well-being in life

On Tuesday 19 March, 30 youths came together at Nalanda Book Café Community Centre to explore ways to develop ourselves holistically at the Happy Young Adults programme.  Guided by Bro. Tan Siang Chye, the group consisted mainly of young adults who are at the start of their careers, often facing similar challenges at work.

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7 April 2023

‘World Health Day’ on 7 April

7 April is celebrated every year as ‘World Health Day’ to raise awareness on the importance of global health.  Whilst we look to governments and private organizations for health-care facilities and services, we as individuals hold a larger responsibility towards maintaining our own good physical well-being by eating well and having sufficient exercise as a preventive measure. 

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7 May 2022

Mental health screening and consultation

The pandemic may have had potentially deeper effects on us than we realise.  Find out more about your mental health, with this screening carried out by qualified counsellors on Sunday 15 May.  All discussions are entirely confidentially.

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7 May 2022

Mental Health Screening & Consultation

The pandemic may have had potentially deeper effects on us than we realise.  Find out more about your mental health, with this screening carried out by qualified counsellors on two Sundays – 8 and 15 May.  All discussions are entirely confidentially.

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13 November 2021

Make kindness the norm

Being kind costs us nothing, but can give us the gains of lightness and happiness Today is World Kindness Day, a time to celebrate this defining quality of our humanity.  In the era of the Covid-19 pandemic, random acts of kindness may have become more scarce or maybe more difficult as physical distancing and masked faces define the ‘new norm’.  We must be wary that we do not unintentionally alienate care for each other in lieu of ‘safety’, and diminish our compassion.

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11 October 2021

Be heedful of SOPs even as restrictions relax

It has been announced that 90% of the Malaysia adult population have now been fully vaccinated against Covid-19.  The daily infection numbers have also started to drop in the past weeks and vaccinations are now being administered for teenagers ages 12 to 17.  We have also reached a milestone for the lifting of travel restrictions cross-states today, allowing many Malaysians to visit their family or go on holidays.  

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10 October 2021

Today is World Mental Health Day

On World Mental Health Day this year, the looming shadow of Covid-19 continues to trigger factors leading to mental suffering and illness such as the demise of loved ones, threat of new virus variants, loss of jobs and income, prolonged financial distress and family issues arising from long isolation.  Stress is also faced by medical frontliners who experience exhaustion and even severe burnout from long working hours.

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19 August 2021

Conquer the angry mind

Anger and aversion arise when someone does or says something we don’t like, or things are not done our way.  It is the result of unwise attention to the un-ending desires in our mind.  The Buddha taught that anger inflames the mind and only brings about loss, pain, loneliness and misery; an angry person does not see the true nature of things (Kodhana Sutta, AN 7.60).

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14 August 2021

Take a step back to see the steps to happiness

In the next few weeks, we will reflect on Dhamma talks held during the this year's Gimhāna Retreat on ‘Steps to Happiness’.  These talks discuss the manifestations of the mind which obstruct our spiritual progress, and how we can take steps towards removing them.  We hope that this series are useful reminders and contemplations for you.

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