
14 August 2021

Take a step back to see the steps to happiness

In the next few weeks, we will reflect on Dhamma talks held during the this year's Gimhāna Retreat on ‘Steps to Happiness’.  These talks discuss the manifestations of the mind which obstruct our spiritual progress, and how we can take steps towards removing them.  We hope that this series are useful reminders and contemplations for you.

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1 June 2021

Do our duty – stay home & stay safe

Today, the Movement Control Order 3.0 in Malaysia will be intensified in a bid to stem the stark increase of Covid-19 infections across the country.  While we stay at home and do our duty to follow all SOPs, let our thoughts of love and kindness go to all front-liners who are battling with Covid-19 day and night to keep us safe.

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6 May 2021

MCO 3.0 : Accepting changes

Today, the MCO has been reinstated in several states in Malaysia.  Yet, in comparison to our first experience of lockdown in March 2020, I can see that my fellow Malaysians are calmer and slightly less anxious compared to the first MCO.  Why?  Because we now know how uncertain things are, and our hearts are more accepting of these turbulent changes.

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7 April 2021

Health is the greatest gain

Since 1950, ‘World Health Day’ is celebrated annually on 7 April to raise awareness on the importance of global health.  Battling Covid-19 in the past year has highlighted this importance – the interdependence of our own physical health and the well-being of others, and how devastating it can be should we be careless or indifferent.  Thus, we can also see that while the virus affects everyone regardless of race or religion, the communities that place higher emphasis on caring for one another have been able to weather the pandemic most effectively.

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18 February 2021

Our duties as children, parents and students

The Buddha says, it is incumbent of the lay follower to duly discharge his obligations toward his parents, teachers, wife and children, friends and companions, servants and work-people and religious teachers.  This is called protecting the six quarters.  Sons and daughters should realise the fact that it was primarily due to parents that they have attained the present state.  They should make it their binding duty to provide them with food, clothes, medicine and all essential comforts and make life easy and comfortable to them so long as they live.

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27 January 2021

Keep calm and stay safe

Covid-19 cases have breached the 100-million mark worldwide and more than 2.1 million people have succumbed to the disease.  Daily, almost half a million people are newly infected globally.  Here in Malaysia, we are experiencing some of the highest numbers of new infections each day.  In this time of uncertainty, many of us may be worried or upset by various news, broadcasts or opinions we receive.

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24 November 2020

Watch our minds as each day unfolds

Each day, the rising number of Covid-19 cases and how it has impacted our lives and livelihood flood our newsfeed and daily conversations.  The situation certainly is dire; almost 60 million people worldwide have been infected and over 1.4 million have succumbed to the virus in less than a year.  The circumstances can have an overwhelming impact on our mental health if we are not mindful of our thoughts and react with negativity.

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13 November 2020

World Kindness Day

Today, 13 November is World Kindness Day, an occasion for us to celebrate one of the most significant and unifying human principles. This special celebration is devoted to the positive potential and ability of kindness to bring people together regardless of one's ethnicity, religion or culture.

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10 October 2020

‘Reach out’ on World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day this year comes at a time when every aspect of our daily lives is upheaved by the COVID-19 pandemic. We can help the situation in our personal capacities by reaching out to those around us with more empathy.  By developing our empathy in understanding the challenges others face, we are able to respond in a more compassionate, kind and patient manner.

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8 October 2020

Prevent storms from destroying our calmness of mind

With over a quarter of a million new cases being reported daily around the world, the Covid-19 pandemic is still a far cry from passing.  In Malaysia, new clusters in the North and opposite the Peninsular has seen a dramatic surge of new cases over the past week causing many people to worry and be anxious over how the days ahead may unfold.

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