Wesak 2016

22 August 2016

Selangor Wesak celebration a good example for other states

On Sunday 31 July, the President of Selangor Buddhist Development Council (SBDC), Bro. Loka Ng, visited Nalanda Centre to present a Certificate of Appreciation to Nalanda Buddhist Society for supporting and participating in the recent Selangor State Level Wesak Celebration.

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12 June 2016

Living a ‘Life of Wisdom’

On Buddha Day 21 May, Nalanda founder Bro. H. S. Tan conducted a 2-hour Sutta Study session based on the theme of the Wesak celebrations – ‘A Life of Wisdom‘.  Despite it being a very long day with many other on-going Wesak activities, the mid-afternoon session attracted a large attendance of more than 160 people, with some devotees even traveling from other states to Nalanda Centre.

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7 June 2016

Big ‘thank you’ to Wesak volunteers  

On Sunday 29 May, Nalandians gathered to observe Nalanda’s monthly Samaggi Day.  It was also the ideal opportunity for the Society’s Management to acknowledge and thank the volunteers who had worked tirelessly before, during and after the recent Buddha Day celebrations.

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4 June 2016

Talk on ‘Spiritual Reflection’ 

Buddhism emphasises on self-reliance and self-development; it is through one’s own efforts that one overcomes suffering to achieve the highest happiness, Nibbana. Therefore, it is important for us to do what is essential to lighten our suffering and increase our happiness.  Wise reflection (Yoniso Manasikara) is a practice that will help us to reach this goal and attain wisdom.

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3 June 2016

Offering food joyfully on Buddha Day

On Saturday 21 May, a “Mass Food Offering” was held at Nalanda Centre in the evening. This event, where cooked meals are offered freely to the community, has become a regular feature at Nalanda’s Wesak Buddha Day celebrations since the first year of its Wesak celebrations in Sri Serdang. Devotees cook or pack food for visitors who come to join in the joyous day’s celebrations as an act of charity and to cultivate generosity.

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2 June 2016

A unique Heritage Procession

The highlight of Nalanda’s Buddha Day programme on 21 May was the Buddharupa-Abhisekara, a unique heritage procession.  The procession started at 7.30pm with the offering of lights and chanting led by two Sangha members who had come all the way from Sri Lanka.

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1 June 2016

Commemorating ‘Buddha Day’

On Wesak full-moon ‘Buddha Day’, which fell on 21 May this year, Nalanda founder Bro. H. S. Tan gave an insightful and profound Dhamma talk to commemorate the most important day of the year for Buddhists.  This auspicious day also marks the start of the Buddhist Era (B. E.) 2560, marking the 2,560th anniversary since the Buddha’s Parinibbāna (passing away).

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31 May 2016

Honour the Buddha spiritually

On Wesak eve, Nalanda founder Bro. H.S. Tan gave a Dhamma talk to usher in the most important Day in the Buddhist calendar – Wesak ‘Buddha Day’.  He explained that we celebrate Wesak to honour the Buddha and commemorate His Enlightenment.

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28 May 2016

Exhibition on Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda

In celebrating this year’s Wesak ‘Buddha Day’, Nalanda Dhamma School organised a special exhibition themed “A Beacon of Dhamma”, on the life and times of the late Venerable Dr. Kirinde Sri Dhammananda Nayaka Thero, who was Nalanda’s Spiritual Adviser.  Among the exhibits were writings, publications, and photographs of the late venerable, including rare records of his last years of life and his visits to Nalanda Centre.

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27 May 2016

Significance and meaning of Wesak ‘Buddha Day’

On Sunday 15 May, the Head of Department at Nalanda Institute Bro. Tong Siong Yeow, gave a talk on the ‘True Significance of Wesak’.  It was a timely reminder of what the celebration of ‘Buddha Day’, which fell on 21 May, actually means.

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