Wesak 2016

26 May 2016

Book launched in simple ceremony

Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ on 21 May seemed the perfect day to launch the Malaysian edition of Venerable Ajahn Jayasaro’s insightful book – “Without & Within” – at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  The book was launched in a simple but meaningful ceremony by Venerable Dhammalankara, Venerable Samiddhi, and the Honorable Mr. Gobind Singh Deo, Member of Parliament for Puchong, who was Nalanda’s Guest-of-honour for the ‘Buddha Day’ gathering.

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21 May 2016

‘Buddha Day’ Message B.E. 2560

Namo Buddhaya!  This Wesak full-moon day, we celebrate the beginning of the Buddhist Year 2560.  On behalf of Nalanda Buddhist Society Malaysia, we would like to thank all our spiritual advisers, Dhamma teachers, benefactors, members and volunteers for your kind support in many ways towards our mission – to provide holistic Buddhist education to create a more integral and equitable society.

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19 May 2016

‘Buddha Day’ Programme in Serdang

Warmest greetings of mettā!  Nalanda Centre is observing this weekend’s auspicious ‘Buddha Day’ with three days of meaningful educational and spiritual programmes – comprising Dhamma teachings, sutta studies, meditation, an exhibition, and guided tours of the Centre with learning stations.  There will also be daily alms-giving to monks, blood donation, organ-donation campaign, and the iconic Sri Serdang ‘Heritage Procession’ – a truly awesome and unique cultural experience.

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19 May 2016

Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ programme in Johor Bahru

Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre Johor Bahru is observing this weekend’s auspicious ‘Buddha Day’ with three days of activities comprising Dhamma teachings, an exhibition, guided tour of the Centre, alms-giving to monks, blood donation campaign, and for the first time ever – a candle-light procession in Taman Johor Jaya.

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18 May 2016

Prioritise Dhamma learning this Wesak

Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ commemorates the profound event of Buddha’s ‘Enlightenment’ – in other words, His complete realisation of truth and liberation from suffering.  The path towards ‘Enlightenment’ begins with learning and practising Dhamma.  Thus, we should prioritise spiritual cultivation over rituals in observing Wesak Day.

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18 May 2016

Wesak greetings from Wisdom Park

Wesak full-moon is the most important day of the year in the Buddhist calendar as it celebrates the anniversary of the Buddha’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago. Hence, it is also known as ‘Buddha Day’ – the special occasion to honour the ‘Enlightened One’.

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14 May 2016

Prioritise education over rituals on Wesak

Nalandians who attended the welcoming ceremony for the arrival of the Bamiyan Gandhāri manuscripts to Malaysia on 2 May also took the opportunity to visit another exposition held at the same venue.  The “Awakening Force” exhibition is being held at Samadhi Vihara Shah Alam in conjunction with this Wesak month.  The exhibition is organized by the Buddhist Missionary Society of Malaysia (BMSM), and will run until Wesak ‘Buddha Day’.

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12 May 2016

Flying the banner of unity this Wesak

The International Buddhist Flag was adopted as the universal symbol of Buddhist faith more than half a century ago. In Malaysia, this vibrant, multi-coloured symbol of peace is ubiquitous in temples and Buddhist centres during Wesak celebrations, but is barely visible for the rest of the year.   As such, Nalanda Buddhist Society and the Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia are currently running a campaign aimed at educating the community on the meaning and symbolism of the flag, and to encourage Buddhists to fly the flag at home during Wesak month.

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7 May 2016

Vesakha New-moon today

Today marks the start of the holy month of Vesakha.  This evening, Nalanda Centre will be hosting the Vesakha New-moon Uposatha Service beginning at 8.00pm.  We shall observe this spiritual occasion with offerings, chanting, meditation, and Dhamma sharing.  The best way to honour of our Great Teacher – the Buddha, is to enhance our efforts to learn and practise the Dhamma.  We welcome everyone to participate actively in Nalanda’s upcoming learning programmes.

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6 May 2016

Beginning of Vesakha month

Tomorrow is the New-moon day for the month of ‘Vesakha’.  Thus, we are just two weeks away from the most important day in the Buddhist calendar – Vesakha Full-moon ‘Buddha Day’, also commonly known in Malaysia as ‘Wesak Day’.

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