Wesak 2017

30 July 2017

Buddha Day at Nalanda S. P. Branch

For two days on 9 and 10 May, devotees observed a joyful ‘Buddha Day’ at NEO Centre Sungai Petani with wholesome educational activities. Many people from the neighbourhood dropped in at the Centre on this auspicious occasion to offer flowers, listen to Dhamma talks, and meditate on impermanence.

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29 July 2017

Wonderful Wesak at Nalanda J. B.

This year, Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch arranged a wholesome two-day ‘Buddha Day’ Observance programme on 9 and 10 May at NEO Centre Taman Johor Jaya.  The Branch hosted three Dhamma talks, the ‘Buddha Jayanti’ Exhibition prepared by our Dhamma School students, the traditional evening Heritage Procession, mass food offering, and monk going on alms-round in Taman Johor Jaya Dedap zone.

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28 July 2017

Wesak joy at Nalanda K.L. Branch

On 10 May, members of Nalanda Kuala Lumpur Branch joyfully celebrated ‘Buddha Day’ with the local community at Nalanda Education & Outreach (NEO) Centre, Happy Garden.  Wesak full-moon day marked the auspicious occasions of Buddha’s Birth, Enlightenment, and Passing Away (Parinibbāna) twenty-six centuries ago.  It is the most sacred occasion for Buddhists to recollect His noble teachings that lead to liberation from suffering.

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6 July 2017

‘Buddha Day’ Volunteer Appreciation

Report by Chuan Ze Wen

On Sunday 21 May, Nalanda had a meaningful gathering to thank volunteers and devotees for the successfully-run ‘Buddha Day’ celebrations recently.  Bro. Tan took the opportunity to share with everyone the ways of skillfully working together in harmony, and how to practise Dhamma by being mindfully aware of ourselves and our environment.

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5 July 2017

State-level Wesak celebration

On Saturday 20 May, a team of Nalandians attended the Selangor State-level Wesak celebration organised by the State government and supported by the Selangor Buddhist Development Council (SBDC). The celebration saw a wonderful gathering of Selangor Buddhist community leaders and activists.  The event served to showcase traditional and contemporary Buddhist cultural performances from Malaysia and neighbouring countries.

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29 June 2017

Sangha members visit Nalanda

On Saturday 13 May, Nalanda Centre was blessed by the visit of 20 monks and 2 nuns from Sri Lanka.  The monastic congregation had come to Malaysia to serve the local community on the occasion of Wesak, when many Buddhist centres requested Sangha members to conduct religious activities.

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21 May 2017

Wesak volunteers Appreciation Day

At a simple ceremony this morning, Nalanda acknowledged and appreciated all volunteers who contributed to the recent successful and meaningful ‘Buddha Day’ celebrations. Our heartfelt thanks to the combined effort of 20 teams who rendered their selfless and joyful service to host thousands of devotees in Sri Serdang and our branch centres. Sadhu anumodana!

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20 May 2017

Wesak volunteer appreciation day

We invite ALL volunteers of the recent Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ Observance at Nalanda to join us for this week’s Sunday morning service, followed by a volunteer appreciation ceremony.  The service begins at 9.00am with meditation, chanting, and a Dhamma talk by Bro. Tan, followed by volunteers’ sharing and communal lunch.  All are welcome!

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13 May 2017

Thank you for sponsoring these books

We would like to thank all generous devotees who sponsored three booklets – “Kamma in Buddhism”, “Living in the Present”, and “Getting Started in Mindfulness with Breathing” – for printing and distribution this Wesak.

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12 May 2017

Humble thanks for a fabulous Wesak

Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all volunteers, donors, supporters, and devotees who joined us in the recently concluded 4-day Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ Observance from 7 to 10 May.

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