Wesak 2022

4 June 2022

A wonderful Wesak observance

Have a glimpse of the wonderful Wesak observance we had at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang from 8 – 15 May 2022.  This NalandaTV production hopes to share with everyone some of the uplifting moments we had during the auspicious occasion.

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20 May 2022

Joyful Buddha Day Observance

On the Full-moon day of Vesakha month this year, visitors from near and far thronged Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang to commemorate the Buddha’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago. While some came to pay their homage and make offerings at the Main Shrine, many also participated in the educational programmes organised from 8 to 15 May.

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16 May 2022

Thank you for a joyous ‘Buddha Day’ Observance

Nalanda Buddhist Society Management and members would like to express our appreciation to you for joining us to celebrate Buddha Day this year.  This was our first year of physical Wesak observance since lockdowns were implemented in 2020, made possible because of Malaysia’s transition into the Covid-19 endemic phase.

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15 May 2022

Buddha Day Message B.E. 2566

Once again our planet earth has completed its journey around the sun and brought us into the year 2566 of the Buddhist Era.  Today is ‘Buddha Day’ or ‘Wesak Day’ which commemorates the Birth, Enlightenment and Passing Away of our supreme Lord Gautama Buddha.  Today is a good day to take stock of our lives and determine how best we can face the challenges which confront us.  How can we organise ourselves in such a way that we can enjoy peace and happiness not only for ourselves but for all those who share this planet with us?

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14 May 2022

At the dawn of Enlightenment

After six years of unequalled ascetism, the Bodhisatta Gotama realised that Enlightenment could not be gained through extreme means.  Having nourished the body sparingly, the Buddha-to-be took a seat under the large Pipal tree in Uruvela and was determined not to rise until He had attained the unshakable peace of Nibbāna.

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13 May 2022

60th Anniversary of Wesak Holiday in Malaysia

On 15 May 2022, Buddhists will celebrate the anniversary of the Buddha’s Enlightenment over 2,600 years ago on the full-moon of the Wesak month, commonly referred to as ‘Wesak Day’.  This marks the beginning of the Buddhist Era (B.E.) 2566, calculated from the time of the passing away of the Buddha in 543 BCE.  Find out more about how Wesak Day was gazetted as a Public Holiday 60 years ago.

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12 May 2022

Visit wesak.org.my

We invite you to explore www.wesak.org.my, a website dedicated to the celebration of Wesak ‘Buddha Day’.  You will find videos, articles, chanting recordings, and inspiring stories to help us understand more about the Buddha and His teachings.  There is also a special ‘Buddha Jayanti’ Exhibition featuring on-line video presentations on the life of the Buddha by Nalanda Dhamma School.  

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11 May 2022

Coming together to prepare for ‘Buddha Day’

In the spirit of joyful service, volunteers and devotees have been giving their time and efforts to prepare for Buddha Day programmes over the past few weeks.  Complementing each other’s skills and abilities, Nalandians worked together in harmony to ensure that we are ready to host the community for this sacred observance.

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9 May 2022

Thank you for a successful Blood Donation Drive

Yesterday, Sunday 8 May, over 200 donors steadily streamed into Nalanda Centre from as early as 9am, to donate blood in support of the Blood Donation Drive held as part of this year’s Buddha Day Observance.  Earlier still, were volunteers who happily and readily assisted donors throughout the process to maintain a smooth and orderly flow.  The diligent doctors and nurses from the National Blood Bank (Pusat Darah Negara) also worked non-stop to accommodate all potential donors. 

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8 May 2022

Visit ‘Buddha Jayanti’ Exhibition at Nalanda Centre

The Buddha Jayanti Exhibition has just been launched this morning at Nalanda Centre, after two years of being held on-line due to the pandemic.  It is one of the highlights of Buddha Day Observance and presents messages of Dhamma to educate the public through digital artworks prepared by Nalanda Dhamma School.  We have already started to receive visitors who are brought on guided tours by Dhamma School facilitators and students.

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