Wesak 2023

7 May 2023

Blood donation drive at Nalanda today

Pusat Darah Negara staff has just arrived at Nalanda Centre and together with volunteers, are all ready to welcome donors.  Come with your loved ones to donate blood today, a life-saving gift that we can give out of compassion and kindness.  At the same time, we also invite you to visit the Buddha Jayanti Exhibition and Nalanda’s 20th Anniversary Special Exhibition at the Centre.

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6 May 2023

Come to donate blood at Nalanda

Tomorrow, on the final day of Buddha Day B.E. 2567 Observance at Nalanda, we invite you to join us for the meritorious deed of donating blood.  Being able-bodied and healthy is a blessing, and also presents us the opportunity to help others in their time of need.  You may register to book a suitable slot here

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6 May 2023

Community comes together at NEO KL

This morning, the community at the OUG and Happy Garden markets came together to make offerings to Mahā Sangha.  Whilst many regular supporters joyfully prepared and made offerings to venerable monks, curious onlookers also joined in after understanding the purpose of the deed and this simple way to support members of the Sangha.

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5 May 2023

Buddha Day Observance continues at NEO KL

We invite you and your loved ones to join us tomorrow Saturday 6 May at Nalanda Education and Outreach Centre in Happy Garden Kuala Lumpur, for the fourth day of Nalanda’s Buddha Day Observance.

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5 May 2023

‘Dhammayatra’ 正觉之道 – film screening & Director’s sharing

Following a meaningful day of learning and reflective programmes on Buddha Day, let us continue our observance tonight.  We invite you to join us this evening at 8pm for the film screening of ‘Dhammayatra’ (Mandarin with English subtitles), a spiritual pilgrimage to retrace the path taken by our Enlightened Teacher 2,600 years ago, and discover the timeless beauty and efficacy of His marvellous teachings.

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4 May 2023

Join the Heritage Procession at Nalanda tonight

The rain has abated and final preparations for tonight’s Heritage Procession is now in progress.  We invite you and your loved ones to join this unique cultural and spiritual experience, where the Buddha-rupam is conveyed on a wooden sedan by traditionally dressed devotees, to the harmonious beating of drums and gongs.

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4 May 2023

Buddha Day Message B.E. 2567

Today 4 May 2023, the Full-moon day of Vesakhā of the Buddhist Era 2567, ushers in a future of hope and confidence in contrast to the fear and uncertainty we endured in the last three years.  Although these years can easily be regarded as belonging to some of the worst in human history, we must also acknowledge that they taught us to better appreciate the Buddha’s teaching on impermanence, dissatisfaction and non-self (anicca, dukkha and anattā).  They made us realise how fragile life can be and how this very fragility makes life so precious.

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3 May 2023

Arrival of venerable monks at Nalanda Centre

Just an hour ago, Nalanda members and volunteers joyfully welcomed Ven. Dr. K. Gnanawimala Thera and Ven. D. Rahula Thera to Nalanda Centre.  Venerable monks have travelled from Sri Lanka to lend their presence to the Malaysian Buddhist community during this holy Vesakha month, and we are grateful that they are here at Nalanda for the Buddha Day Observance.

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3 May 2023

Welcome to Nalanda Centre for Buddha Day

In the past weeks, Nalanda has been abuzz with activities to prepare for our first full-scale Buddha Day Observance since the pandemic.  Members, volunteers, devotees, youths and students have been working together to set up the special exhibitions, plan for the learning programmes and practise for the procession.

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2 May 2023

Programmes at Nalanda this Buddha Day

Buddha Day Observance at Nalanda starts tomorrow! We invite you and your loved ones to join us for a meaningful and spiritual commemoration, in honour of our great Teacher, the Buddha. The list of programmes from 3 to 7 May is listed below, and do invite your friends to join as well. We look forward to welcome you this Wesak.

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