Wesak 2023

1 May 2023

Join Buddha Day Observance at Nalanda

In just a few days, we will commemorate the most important event in the Buddhist calendar, the anniversary of the Buddha’s Enlightenment on the full-moon day of the Vesakha month. We joyfully invite you and your loved ones to join Buddha Day Observance at Nalanda, with a host of programmes from Wednesday 3 May to Sunday 7 May. We look forward to welcome you to Nalanda Centre. All are welcome.

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21 April 2023

Film Screening & Director’s sharing – ‘Dhammayatra’ 正觉之道

‘Dhammayatra’ is a spiritual pilgrimage to retrace the path taken by our Enlightened Teacher 2,600 years ago, and to discover the timeless beauty and efficacy of His marvellous teachings.  We invite you to join us on Friday 5 May 8pm, for a special screening of the documentary film ‘Dhammayatra - A Journey of Self-Discovery’ (Mandarin with English subtitles), as part of Buddha Day Observance.

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20 April 2023

Buddha Day Heritage Procession

The Buddha Day Heritage Procession at Nalanda is a unique cultural experience for the whole community to gather for a spiritual experience.  It is the only Heritage Procession in Malaysia where the Buddharupam is conveyed on a wooden sedan to the harmonious beat of drums and gongs, accompanied by beautifully hand-crafted paraphernalia carried by traditionally-dressed devotees.

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20 April 2023

Holy Vesakhā Month starts today

Today is the New-moon day of the holy Vesakhā Month. On these Uposatha (observance) days, the laity devote themselves to a day of restraint, meditation and cultivation of mindfulness. Some may observe the Eight Precepts and listen to or read Dhamma teachings attentively.

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14 April 2023

Volunteer briefing at Nalanda Centre

We welcome all ‘Buddha Day’ volunteers to attend the Volunteer Briefing at 1pm this Sunday 16 April, at Nalanda Centre.  The briefing includes an introduction to the Buddha Day programmes from 3 to 7 May, and a familiarisation of your roles with the team leads.  We thank you in advance for stepping forward to play a part in this auspicious event and wish you happy service!

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13 April 2023

Buddha Day B.E. 2567 programmes – 3 to 7 May

Warmest greetings of mettā! ‘Buddha Day’ is just three weeks away and we invite you and your loved ones to join us to commemorate the anniversary of the Buddha’s Enlightenment with five days of educational and spiritual programmes.

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