Wesak 2024

14 June 2024

Thank you to all Buddha Day volunteers

Volunteering in selfless service is a priviledge and practice which nurtures the heart.  In this year’s Buddha Day Observance B.E 2568, we were moved by this heartfelt altruism in all our 350 volunteers, as they served and persevered to effect Dhamma programmes at Nalanda for the community to honour the Buddha. 

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13 June 2024

Video – Peaceful Buddha Day Observance 2024

Watch the video highlights to see how the community came together to learn how to cultivate Peace within and with others, and to perform wholesome deeds.

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12 June 2024

Leaders join Wesak programmes across Selangor

Over Wesak last month, Buddhist communities observed this holy period by gathering with like-minded friends to pay homage to the Buddha.  Nalanda leaders gladly joined Wesak programmes to connect with fellow missionaries at the Selangor State-level Wesak celebration and observances organised by Taiwan Buddhist Tzu-Chi Foundation Malaysia and Serdang Buddhist Association.

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3 June 2024

Finding peace within at Buddha Jayanti Exhibition

From 21 to 26 May, the Buddha Jayanti Exhibition welcomed hundreds of visitors with its eye-catching exhibits and activities.  Organised and hosted by Nalanda Dhamma School, each of the art-work were hand-made by the School’s facilitators and students to relay messages of the Buddha on daily practices to develop a resilient and peaceful mind that stands firm amidst the influence of worldly conditions.

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1 June 2024

Students cultivate peace with Ajahn Dton

On Saturday, 25 May, over 60 students and youths spent a day learning and cultivating mindfulness with Ven. Ajahn Dton Dhirapanno, co-abbot of Wat Pah Boon Lorm, Ubon Ratchathani.  It was an inspiring gathering of youths aged 16-23 eager to learn and practise the Buddha’s teachings of Peace in conjunction with the Buddha Day Observance at Nalanda.

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31 May 2024

A spiritual pilgrimage with Director Yang Wei Han

On the evening of Friday 24 May, over 160 members of the Buddhist community gathered at Nalanda Centre for the special screening of the documentary ‘Dhammayatra – A Journey of Self-Discovery’.  We were also honoured to host the film’s Director, Mr. Yang Wei Han, and guests Ven. Dr. Tejawaro Thero 天崧法师 and Ven. Bodhi.

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29 May 2024

Fruitful forum for Young Working Adults

In conjunction with Buddha Day Observance, Nalanda Youth Centre organised a special Forum for Young Working Adults on Thursday, 23 May.  More than 70 participants gathered at Nalanda Centre to learn and discuss with a panel of seasoned professionals featuring Bro Tan Say Kee (Director of Jurukur Jitu Runding), Bro. Soh Lian Seng (Partner, Head of Tax in KPMG Malaysia) and Sis. See Hui Shien (Director of Application in Biomed Global).

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28 May 2024

Community gathers for peaceful Heritage Procession

Under the Wesak full-moon on Wednesday 22 May, over 1,500 devotees joined the highlight of Nalanda’s Buddha Day Observance – the Heritage Procession.  In this endearing tradition, venerable monks from Sri Lanka and Thailand passed the flame from the Centre’s Sri Dhamma Hall to reach each and every devotee gathered.

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27 May 2024

Thank you for joining Blood Donation Drive

Our appreciation goes out to all donors, doctors, nurses and volunteers for making the Blood Donation Drive today a success!  Working joyfully together, volunteers welcomed the staff from National Blood Bank (Pusat Darah Negara) and together tended to over 270 donors arriving throughout the day.

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26 May 2024

Giving selflessly and joyously at Blood Donation Drive

We have registered over 120 donors as of now for the Blood Donation Drive; all are in high spirits as they perform a good deed that can save up to three lives!  The Drive is up to 4pm, and we hope that you and your loved ones can join us at Nalanda Centre to donate blood today.  Thank you.

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