Wesak Preparation

All kinds of preparations to celebrate Wesak.

22 May 2024

Join us for Heritage Procession tonight

Preparations are almost done for the Heritage Procession which starts at 7pm tonight at Nalanda Centre.  We invite you to join us for this unique cultural experience where the Buddharupam is conveyed on a wooden sedan to the harmonious beat of drums and gongs, accompanied by beautifully hand-crafted paraphernalia.

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19 May 2024

All geared up for ‘Buddha Day’

Today, Nalanda Centre has been humming with activity as members, devotees and students prepare for ‘Buddha Day’ celebrations.  With just 2 days to go, the efforts of the past weeks are culminating in the host of programmes prepared specially for devotees to have a meaningful celebration.

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16 May 2024

Volunteers get ready to welcome community on Buddha Day

Last Sunday 12 May, over 80 volunteers gathered at Nalanda Centre to prepare for Buddha Day.  In the company of like-minded friends, volunteers were briefed on the significance of this observance, and how we can help the community have a meaningful and spiritual commemoration.  They also got to know their team leaders and members better, and familiarised themselves with the programmes as well as their roles.

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14 May 2024

Working together to prepare for Buddha Day

Over the past weeks, members, parents, students and devotees have each been doing their part to prepare for Buddha Day Observance which is just days away.   Whilst contributing their knowledge, skills, time and effort towards the programmes, exhibitions and in preparing Nalanda Centre, everyone is at the same time readying themselves to commemorate the Buddha’s Enlightenment in a spiritual way.

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10 May 2024

Volunteers joyfully prepare for exhibitions

Since mid-April, members and volunteers have been planning, designing and are now installing the two special exhibitions for this year’s Wesak Observance.  Working together joyfully, the teams have put much thoughts into the exhibition content to convey educational value and the joy of learning Dhamma to the public. 

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9 May 2024

Buddha Day Volunteer Briefing

We welcome all ‘Buddha Day’ volunteers to attend the Volunteer Briefing at 1pm this Sunday 12 May, at Nalanda Centre.  The briefing includes an introduction to the Buddha Day programmes from 21 to 26 May, and familiarisation of your roles with the team leads.  We extend our thanks to you in advance for stepping forward to play a part in this auspicious event and wish you happy service!

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16 May 2023

Thank you to Buddha Day volunteers!

Two days ago, on Sunday 14 May, Buddha Day volunteers gathered back at Nalanda Centre for an appreciation session hosted by the organising committee.  Chairperson Sis. Livin Leow extended our heartfelt gratitude for the volunteers’ support, cooperation and care for everyone who came to Nalanda to honour the Buddha. 

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3 May 2023

Welcome to Nalanda Centre for Buddha Day

In the past weeks, Nalanda has been abuzz with activities to prepare for our first full-scale Buddha Day Observance since the pandemic.  Members, volunteers, devotees, youths and students have been working together to set up the special exhibitions, plan for the learning programmes and practise for the procession.

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4 April 2023

Buddha Day preparations have started

Namo Buddhaya!  On the Vesakhā full-moon every year, Buddhists worldwide gather to commemorate the anniversary of Buddha’s Enlightenment.  At Nalanda, we are observing this year’s ‘Buddha Day’ from Wednesday 3 May to Sunday 7 May with meaningful educational and spiritual programmes comprising Dhamma talks, meditation, sutta study and special exhibitions.

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11 May 2022

Coming together to prepare for ‘Buddha Day’

In the spirit of joyful service, volunteers and devotees have been giving their time and efforts to prepare for Buddha Day programmes over the past few weeks.  Complementing each other’s skills and abilities, Nalandians worked together in harmony to ensure that we are ready to host the community for this sacred observance.

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