Wesak Preparation

All kinds of preparations to celebrate Wesak.

2 May 2020

Display this symbol of Buddhist unity

In the past, devotees would hang colourful Buddhist flags around temples as Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ was approaching.  This year, under the shadows of a pandemic and the national lock-down, celebrations will undoubtedly be very subdued.  Buddhist centres are not putting up the flags because religious gatherings are still not allowed this month in Malaysia.

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8 May 2019

Community prepares for ‘Buddha Day’

Nalandians welcomed the Vesakha New-moon last Sunday with joyful service to prepare for Buddha Day, the most significant day of the year for Buddhists.  Over the past several weeks, volunteers and devotees have been working together in peace and harmony with open hearts and sincere service, befitting our spiritual preparation for this sacred observance.

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26 April 2019

Joyful preparations for Buddha Day

‘Buddha Day’ is less than a month away and all Nalandians are getting ready to celebrate the most significant event of the year for Buddhists.  For the past few weeks, many members and volunteers have started planning and preparing for the commemoration which will be held on 18 and 19 May.

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28 April 2017

Preparing to welcome ‘Buddha Day’

As the 14-day count down (or “calm down”) to ‘Vesakha’ Full-moon begins, members and devotees are priming Nalanda Centre to welcome the most important date in the Buddhist calendar.  In the past few weekends, many Nalandians have been cleaning and decorating the Centre for ‘Buddha Day’ (‘Vesakha’ Full-moon) celebrations, which will be held over four days from 7 May to 10 May.

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31 May 2016

Honour the Buddha spiritually

On Wesak eve, Nalanda founder Bro. H.S. Tan gave a Dhamma talk to usher in the most important Day in the Buddhist calendar – Wesak ‘Buddha Day’.  He explained that we celebrate Wesak to honour the Buddha and commemorate His Enlightenment.

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5 May 2016

Wesak preparations in full swing

Over the past few weeks, Nalanda members and devotees have been busy preparing for the most important event of the Buddhist calendar – the ‘Vesakha’ Full-moon day, commonly known in Malaysia as ‘Wesak Day’.  Buddhists celebrate the Enlightenment of the Buddha on that occasion, which customarily falls on the first full-moon day in the month of May.

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21 May 2015

Service Sunday Talk by Ananda Fong

At the last Service Sunday before Wesak celebrations in Malaysia, Nalanda organised a day-long programme based on ‘Samaggi’ – the cultivation of unity and harmony.  There were messages from the President Sis. Evelyn; advice from Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan; a Dhamma talk by Bro. Ananda Fong; and briefing for Wesak Day volunteers by Honorary Secretary, Bro. Pee.

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30 April 2015

Preparing for Wesak Day with fervour

As Malaysian Buddhists look forward to celebrating Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ this weekend, Nalandians are putting the finishing touches to our preparations to welcome this joyous day.  The growing community of members, teachers, parents and students has been working together happily and harmoniously over the past two months in cleaning the Centre and putting up decorations.

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19 April 2015

Joyful Gardening to welcome Wesak

As Wesak ‘Buddha Day’ approaches, Nalandian ‘gardeners’ joyfully laboured to spruce up the neighbourhood to welcome thousands of devotees come 1st to 3rd May.  Every weekend, adults and youngsters would descend upon the garden with their tools to clean and green the surroundings and plant new flowering shrubs.

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8 April 2015

Nalandians observe “Samaggi Day”

On Sunday 29 March, Nalandians came together at Nalanda Centre in their white shirts and sarong in conjunction with “Samaggi Day”, which falls on the last Sunday of every month.  Nalandians and devotees were delighted when Founder Bro. Tan came to give a short sharing on “Samaggi”, which means unity and harmony.

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