Wesak Preparation

All kinds of preparations to celebrate Wesak.

26 April 2014

Joyfully preparing for Buddha Day

Article by Muditā Chan.

On 20 April, members and devotees of Nalanda Johor Bahru Branch gathered for Service Sunday with pūja, chanting and meditation.  As ‘Buddha Day’ (Wesak Full-moon) is merely 3 weeks away, Nalandians and devotees worked together to put in place programmes to observe this sacred occasion.

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23 April 2014

Preparations underway for Buddha Day

Article by Ajita Lim.

Wesak Day is fast approaching and all Nalandians are hastening our efforts to welcome this joyous occasion which commemorates the birth, Enlightenment and passing away of our revered teacher, the Buddha.  On 20 April, devotees congregated at Nalanda Centre for the weekly Service Sunday and to volunteer their help for ‘Buddha Day’ (Wesak) preparations.

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8 April 2014

A joyful Service Sunday and Wesak preparations

On 6 April, devotees gathered at Nalanda Centre for the weekly Service Sunday and also to participate in the preparations for the upcoming Buddha Day Observance (or more commonly known as Wesak).

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28 April 2012

True Significance of WESAK

In conjunction with the upcoming Wesak Day, Mr. Vijaya Samarawickrama, the Director of Nalanda Institute, conducted a 3-hour course on the "True Significance of WESAK", which aimed to better inform Buddhists on the right spirit and understanding of celebrating Wesak.

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15 April 2012

Service Sunday & Wesak Preparation

15 April 2012

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