Pertaining to news or development of Wisdom Park.
From 6 – 8 March, we were honoured to host Ven. Ajahn Nando on his maiden visit to Nalanda. During his stay, devotees had the opportunity to make offerings and learn from Ajahn's Dhamma teaching delivered on Friday, 7 March.
Read moreFrom 21 to 28 December, Nalanda hosted Buddhist Gem Fellowship (BGF) at Wisdom Park for a meditation retreat conducted by the famed Ven. Ajahn Brahmavamso. It was Venerable’s maiden visit to Wisdom Park and he expressed his joy at the growth of Nalanda’s educational mission and community.
Read moreJust this morning, we sent off Ven. Luang Por Viradhammo and 34 yogis after the completion of the Meditation Retreat organised by Buddhadhamma Foundation (BDF), Singapore. The 8-day retreat at Wisdom Park was held from Saturday 30 November to Sunday 8 December, and hosted by Nalanda members and volunteers who offered the facilities there as well as their service.
Read more2024 has been a very spirited and fruitful year for Nalanda Youth Centre, filled with many learning, service, outreach, and leadership programmes that left a deep positive impact on the community and everyone's personal growth. After a year of dedication, 25 leaders and core members of Nalanda Youth Centre gathered at Wisdom Park from 31 October to 2 November for the annual Fuel-Up Camp to reflect on how the youths have worked together for the year, realign values, principles and culture, and recharge for the year ahead.
Read moreFrom 31 October to 2 November, Nalanda Dhamma School facilitators from Serdang, Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru schools gathered at Wisdom Park for a rejuvenating retreat. Centred around the theme of “Mindful and Purposeful Living,” this annual retreat offered facilitators an opportunity to deepen their Dhamma practice and strengthen their skills as compassionate and competent educators.
Read moreFrom 18 to 20 October, Nalanda hosted the Upasika Camp conducted by Ven. Chuan Wen 传闻法师 and Ven. Dao He 道和法师. Organised by Chempaka Buddhist Lodge, more than 50 Dhamma sisters from all over Malaysia gathered to deepen their understanding of the Dhamma and practice together as a community.
Read moreIn the past three days, Nalanda members and volunteers have been privileged to host 11 Dhamma programmes for over 450 people across Peninsula Malaysia! This wonderful weekend started from Friday 18 October, with welcoming our good friends from Firefly Mission Singapore for a study tour of Bujang Valley in Sungai Petani and also hosting Chempaka Buddhist Lodge 千百家佛教居士林 for a Dhamma Camp at Wisdom Park.
Read moreOn Saturday 12 October, over 60 teachers and educators from 13 Dhamma Schools across the nation, joined the 2nd Reunion Day for the National Dhamma School Teachers’ Camp at Wisdom Park. Gathering with the like-minded, the teachers supported each other in their learning led by Bro. Aggaphala Yap on how to guide students in cultivating a positive mindset and to develop strong partnerships with parents.
Read moreWe look forward to a weekend filled with wholesome programmes — On Saturday, 60 Dhamma School Teachers from across the nation will gather at Wisdom Park for a Learning Day conducted by Bro. Aggaphala Yap.
Read moreFrom 21 to 22 September, we were privileged to host 42 elderly guests and volunteers from Than Hsiang Buddhist Welfare Group for their Senior Citizens Camp 乐龄人士成长营 at Wisdom Park. The group dedicated their time to learn how to maintain physical and mental well-being as we age.
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