WP Development Committee

Pertaning to meetings and activities of the Wisdom Park Development Committee.

11 November 2018

Wisdom Park exhibition opened

On Sunday 4 November, a special exhibition on Wisdom Park was launched at Nalanda Centre. The vibrant exhibits and video clips show the journey from the conceptualisation to early construction of Wisdom Park.  We are grateful to the Wisdom Park Development Committee for leading the realisation of this noble project, and to our benefactors and donors for their fervent support.

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22 October 2018

Nalanda leaders visit Wisdom Park

On Sunday 14 October, Nalanda Board of Management and EXCO members visited Wisdom Park in Hulu Selangor to mark its 3rd anniversary.  10 members of the Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) were on hand to welcome the Nalandian leaders.  They were brought on an extensive tour of the construction site which spans 12 acres currently.

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14 October 2018

3rd Anniversary of Wisdom Park

14 October 2018 marks the 3rd anniversary of Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC).  Over this short period of time, the Committee had held 37 monthly full-board meetings, many sub-committee meetings and site visits to devise, organise and implement the Wisdom Park Development Plan.  Progress on site has been smooth and rapid, with the first building almost ready, and infrastructure work expanded gradually to cover 12.8 acres (out of 39.2 acres) already.

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20 June 2018

34th monthly meeting on Wisdom Park

On Sunday 3 June, the Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) had our 34th monthly meeting at Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang.  The meeting discussed construction progress of Phase 1A, as well as the launch of Phases 1B and 1C.  Committee members usually take turns to chair our meetings, and this time around, it was ably chaired by Bro. Chuan Ze Wen.

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7 May 2018

33rd meeting of Development Committee

The Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) held its 33rd meeting yesterday afternoon in Sri Serdang.  Since its formation and inaugural meet in October 2015, the Committee has not missed a single monthly meeting to discuss and plan the creation of the campus.

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25 April 2018

Construction of Wisdom Park begins

After almost two years of careful planning, the Development Committee awarded the contract through tender to construct the facilities at Wisdom Park.  The successful contractor took possession of the site on 11 December 2017; and construction began in earnest in January this year.

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22 April 2018

Marking ‘Earth Day’ at Wisdom Park

22 April is celebrated as ‘Earth Day’ in more than 170 countries with meaningful activities to promote environmental awareness and responsibility.  Nalandian volunteers marked the special occasion by planting trees at the site of Wisdom Park in Hulu Selangor.

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15 October 2017

2nd anniversary of Wisdom Park Development Committee

14 October 2017 marked the second anniversary of the establishment of Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) – the coordinating body to draw up and implement the masterplan for the facility.  From an initial membership of 13 members, WPDC has been expanded with the appointment of more professionals and Buddhist community representatives to the committee, which boasts of 20 members currently.

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24 February 2017

Wisdom Park Committee 18th Meeting

The Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) held its 18th Meeting (and its first in 2017) on 15 January to discuss submission of building plans to the local authorities.  Committee members had a very fruitful discussion on technical details and time-line of development.

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3 December 2016

Exhibition on ‘Wisdom Park’ launched

A special exhibition on Wisdom Park was officially launched on Sunday 27 November at Nalanda Centre. The exhibition is held in honour of the first anniversary of Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC), which was formed in October 2015 and entrusted to conceptualise a “Master Development Plan” for Wisdom Park, reflecting its function as a national Buddhist education hub.

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