WP Development Committee

Pertaning to meetings and activities of the Wisdom Park Development Committee.

24 November 2016

Special Exhibition on Wisdom Park

On Sunday 16 October, the Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) celebrated its first year of establishment and operations.  The Committee is entrusted to conceptualise a “Master Development Plan” for Wisdom Park, reflecting its function as a national Buddhist education hub.

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25 October 2016

First anniversary of Wisdom Park Committee

On Sunday 16 October, the Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) celebrated its first anniversary of establishment and operation.  WPDC was formed in October 2015 with initially 13 members, and was tasked with preparing the ‘Master Development Plan’ for Wisdom Park – the proposed education hub for the Malaysian Buddhist community.  3 more members were later invited to join WPDC to strengthen the team.

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16 October 2016

Monthly meeting on Wisdom Park

The Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) members held their 13th monthly meeting in August 2016 to continue discussions on the Master Development Plan for the entire facility.  The Committee comprises 16 members including four Nalandians, eight representatives of the Buddhist community, and four technical experts. With every meeting, the development plan becomes more complete and closer to fruition.  Sadhu anumodana.

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26 July 2016

A year since ‘milestone decision’

It has been a year since the ‘milestone decision’ was made by Nalanda members to purchase a 26-acre parcel of land in Hulu Selangor to be developed into a Buddhist education hub.  Nalandians gathered for the General Meeting on 26 July 2015 voted unanimously to acquire the free-hold land for the well-being of many generations to come.

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18 May 2016

Wesak greetings from Wisdom Park

Wesak full-moon is the most important day of the year in the Buddhist calendar as it celebrates the anniversary of the Buddha’s Enlightenment 26 centuries ago. Hence, it is also known as ‘Buddha Day’ – the special occasion to honour the ‘Enlightened One’.

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20 April 2016

Sub-committee meetings in full swing

In late March, the 15-member Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) appointed several sub-committees to look into different aspects of project implementation, especially in relation to Phase 1 of construction.  The WPDC has recommended that the starting of physical construction be brought forward by one year (to 2017 instead of 2018), as good progress is being achieved in planning and organizing.

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17 March 2016

Wisdom Park Committee 7th Meeting

The Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) held its 7th meeting on Sunday, 6 March at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang.  Among other things, the Committee discussed in greater detail the components of Phase 1 development.  The 8th meeting of WPDC will be held on 31 March.  We thank all members of the Committee for their devotion and hard work put into developing Wisdom Park.  Sadhu anumodana.

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1 March 2016

Development Committee’s 6th Meeting

The Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) held its 6th meeting on 18 February to continue discussions on the Master Plan for the entire facility.  The Committee wants to ensure optimal land-use while maintaining a sense of spaciousness in ‘Wisdom Park’.  Native forest trees will be planted throughout the educational facility to create micro-biospheres that are cooling and soothing.

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23 February 2016

Visit to site of Wisdom Park

Recently, Bro.Tan and two members of the Wisdom Park Development Committee (WPDC) made another routine visit to the site.  Members of WPDC and Nalanda officers regularly visit the site to conduct surveys and to ensure it park’s cleanliness.

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11 February 2016

Development Committee held 5th meeting

The Wisdom Park Development Committee held its fifth meeting recently to discuss the Master Plan for the entire Buddhist educational facility, which comprises 11 inter-related zones spread over 26 acres of greenery.  Members of the Committee are aiming for the optimal land-use while maintaining a sense of spaciousness in the Park.

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