Pertaining to the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia.

3 November 2013

Visitors to Nalanda Centre

On Sunday 3 November, Nalanda Centre welcomed several groups of visitors, both monks and laity.  In the morning, we received senior officers from the Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) – Vice President RAdm Dato’ Danyal Balagopal Abdullah (Rtd) and Treasurer Mr. Yong Choo Kong. They were met by Bro.Tan and brought around for a building tour.  Also at the meeting were Datin Seri Mah Ming Yuet and Bro. Chim Siew Choon, President of Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia.

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29 July 2013

Felicitations to YBAM on its 43rd Anniversary

YBAM Leaders visited Nalanda Centre in October 2012. Back row from right: Bro. Ananda Fong, Secretary of Theravada Buddhist Council of Malaysia; Nalanda Founder Bro. Tan; Bro. Goh Qing Song, President of YBAM. (Photograph from Nalanda Archive.)

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3 October 2012

YBAM Leaders visit Nalanda

Nalanda welcomed a visit by national leaders of the Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia (YBAM) on 3 October.  The delegation was warmly received by many Nalandian members present. As a token of appreciation, Bro. H S Tan presented Nalanda's donation to YBAM for their efforts over the past 40 years to propagate the Dhamma in Malaysia, for which all Malaysian Buddhists should be grateful for.

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