Youth Library

21 October 2017

Tagging 4,000 books in a day

On Wednesday 18 October, Pustaka Nalanda (the Library) embarked on its annual stock-taking exercise by five librarians with the help of volunteers.  This exercise is part of a good library management system whereby all books are physically located, examined and repaired where necessary, accounted for, and placed back at the proper shelves.

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11 May 2016

Youth Centre celebrates 4th anniversary

1 May is an important date for Nalandians.  Not only does it mark the anniversary of Nalanda Buddhist Society’s establishment in 2003, it was also the day when Nalanda Youth Centre was founded in 2012; as well as the opening of their own activity centre and Youth Library in 2013.

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3 November 2014

Ven. Narada’s books at Nalanda Library

Pustaka Nalanda (Library) holds a collection of Buddhist books authored by the late Venerable Narada Nāyaka Māha Thero (1898 – 1983), a prolific Dhamma teacher, speaker, writer and translator from Sri Lanka.  Some of his works such as the seminal “The Buddha and His Teachings” has become a classic ‘textbook’ for students of Theravāda Buddhism.

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8 October 2014

Gift of “Eastern Horizon” from YBAM

On Sunday 28 September, Bro. Ooi Chin Chye and Sis. Teh Soo Tyng, Manager of “Eastern Horizon” Buddhist magazine, visited Nalanda Centre in Sri Serdang.  They were warmly received by Nalanda’s Honorary Secretary Sis. Buddhinī and Nalanda officers.

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2 May 2014

Nalanda Youth Centre officially launched

In a simple but meaningful programme on 1 May morning, the Nalanda Youth Centre was officially launched by the Guest of Honour Bro. Goh Qing Song, President of Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia, in the presence of Ven. Sri Saranankara, other Sangha members, and Buddhist community leaders.  Also present were 200 Nalanda members and guests from Malaysia and overseas. Read more

30 April 2014

Nalanda Youth Centre opens on 1 May 2014

Tomorrow is the official launching of Nalanda Youth Centre – the first dedicated centre for Buddhist youth activities in Serdang.  We are honoured to welcome Ven. B. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Thero, Sangha members, and Buddhist community leaders to join Nalandians in celebrating this milestone for the Malaysian Buddhist youth movement.

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28 April 2014

Nalanda Youth Centre to open this Thursday

Final touches are being done by Nalandian youths for Nalanda Youth Centre’s opening this Thursday, 1 May 2014.  Ven. Sri Saranankara Nayaka Thero will grace the occasion together with other Sangha members.

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30 March 2014

New Youth Library ready for use

For the past few weeks, Pustaka Nalanda librarians have been busy cataloging and arranging books at the new Youth Library located at Level 3 of Nalanda Youth Centre**.  Before this, the Youth Library temporarily occupied ‘Sucinta Room’, which will now house the Chinese Books Section instead.

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13 March 2014

Youth Centre ready for use

After 3 months of renovation, the Nalanda Youth Centre was finally opened for use on Saturday, 1 March.  The Youth Section and Dharma School teenagers have started using the facility since then.  Nalanda Free School classes will also be shifting there in stages beginning April.

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18 December 2013

Nalanda Youth Centre under renovation

Nalanda officers attending an education workshop at Nalanda Centre were brought on a tour of the proposed Nalanda Youth Centre, located just next door to our present premises in Sri Serdang.  The facility has been under renovation since last month, and is slated for completion by January 2014.

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