“Taking Refuge” Ceremony on Buddha Day

“Taking Refuge” Ceremony on Buddha Day

Let us 'take refuge' in the Buddha, Dhamma, and Sangha come this joyous Wesak Buddha Day!

Nalanda Buddhist Society will be organising a “Taking Refuge” Ceremony on this Wesak Buddha Day, Tuesday 13 May, starting at 9.30am.  In this meaningful programme to be held at Nalanda Centre, devotees come together to seek guidance and refuge in the Three Jewels – the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha – and to observe the Five Precepts faithfully.

In ‘taking refuge’ in the Three Jewels, we resolve to uphold the Buddha’s teaching as the guiding principle in our lives.  And in observing the ‘Five Precepts’, we undertake to cultivate virtue through purifying our thoughts, speech and bodily conduct.  In this way, we aspire to live happily and kindly, and in turn enjoy the immeasurable gifts of peace, harmony and joy! We also aspire to live a harmless way of life and to develop compassion for all beings.

If you would like to register for this programme, kindly email us with your full name (and Chinese name if applicable), gender, age, e-mail address and contact number to info@nalanda.org.my .

Please call Nalanda Office at 03-8938-1500 for any inquiries on this event.  Thank you and metta.