On Sunday 18 May, Bro. Tan was invited to Shah Alam Buddhist Society to talk on the Buddha’s teaching of ‘Dependent Arising’ (“Paticca Samuppāda”). The Buddha’s profound teaching explains in detail the arising of suffering in the mind, as well as its cessation.
Bro. Tan linked the Buddha’s first sermon on the universal truths of ‘unsatisfactoriness’ (“Dukkha”) and its overcoming (“Dukkha-nirodha”) to the more detailed exposition of ‘Dependent Arising’.
The Buddha’s profound teaching on “Paticca Samuppāda” explains in detail the arising of suffering in the mind, as well as its cessation.
Although the subject matter was a weighty one, Bro. Tan managed to keep it light for the benefit of devotees present, using many parables and simple examples in daily life. It was truly a delightful and insightful Dhamma session in Shah Alam last Sunday. Sadhu anumodana.