Teenagers imbued with ‘Mettā’  

Teenagers imbued with ‘Mettā’  

Teenaged participants had a memorable 'We Are Nalandians' Stay-in camp.

Teenaged participants had a memorable 3-day/2-night ‘We Are Nalandians’ Stay-in camp.

Nalanda Centre was a hive of activity from 13 to 15 March as 72 Nalanda Dhamma School students from Johor Bahru and the Klang Valley attended the ‘We are Nalandians’ Stay-in Programme.  The objectives of the programme were to (1) promote the Nalandian Spirit among students and facilitators; (2) deepening friendship; (3) learning to chant; and (4) improving meditation practice of the teenagers.

Besides Dhamma-sharing, chanting, and guided-meditation sessions, the students were also introduced to the Mettā Sutta.  Recognising teenagers’ preferred style of learning, ‘fun’ was introduced to the programme with games such as ‘Nalanda Race’, where students learned about the Four Sublime states of Mettā (Loving-kindness), Karunā (Compassion), Muditā (Sympathetic joy) and Upekkhā (Equanimity).  Students were also tasked with chores to inculcate in them the importance of teamwork and responsibility.

Group effort to enhance students' chanting skills

Group effort to enhance students’ chanting skills

It was evident from the happy faces and positive feedback that the programme was a success in meeting its objectives.  We are grateful to the Dhamma School organisers and volunteers for their tireless effort in imparting the Dhamma through wholesome yet fun activities.  Sadhu anumodana.

Learning Dhamma can be fun and joyful.

Learning Dhamma can be fun and joyful.

Camp participants learn the importance of teamwork and responsibility through simple chores such as serving their fellow participants during meal times.

Teenagers learn the importance of teamwork and responsibility through simple chores such as serving their friends during meal times.

Communal meals help to strengthen ties and foster friendships.

Communal meals help to strengthen ties and foster friendships.