Terrific video on WACANA 2017

Terrific video on WACANA 2017

Video prepared by Bro. Lau Yun Wei & Ajita Lim.

Just 10 days ago on 1 July, Nalanda Institute and the Theravāda Buddhist Council of Malaysia jointly organised the successful and truly inspiring WACANA 2017.  More than 600 people participated in this largest Buddhist Conference in Malaysia this year, which was themed “The Buddha-Word: Discovering the Essential”.

We thank the venerable monks and nuns, distinguished speakers, benefactors, and participants for actively supporting the Conference.  Watch this video clip prepared by Bro. Lau Yun Wei and Ajita Lim to feel the dynamic energy at the Conference, and to rejoice in the efforts of many learned devotees in preserving and propagating the Buddha’s true teachings.  Sadhu anumodana!


Many thanks to this wonderful team of photographers and videographers.

Many thanks to this wonderful team of photographers and videographers for capturing all the special moments at WACANA 2017.  Kudos!