We deeply appreciate the contribution of everyone towards this year’s inspiring ‘Buddha Day’ celebration. Sadhu anumodana!
Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to all venerable monks, organisers, teachers, donors, volunteers and devotees who joined us in the inspiring and spiritual ‘Buddha Day’ celebration from 26 to 29 May.
We were glad to see devotees streaming in to Nalanda Centre throughout the day to enjoy the Dhamma teachings, worshipping of Buddha Relic, touring the Buddha Jayanti Exhibition, offering alms to monks, and giving donations to support holistic Buddhist education.
There were many people who came to donate blood last Sunday. The Heritage Procession on 29 May also attracted the largest crowd ever. We are truly pleased to see so many youths participating in 4 days of learning programmes this year. It is heart-warming to see such devotion towards the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.
We deeply appreciate the preparation work put in by organisers and many volunteers over the months leading up to the celebrations. Your efforts have enabled thousands of devotees to experience the peace, serenity, and spirituality of ‘Buddha Day’. Sadhu anumodana!
Finally, let us continue to contemplate the meaning of this year’s ‘Buddha Day’ theme – “A Life of Humility, Modesty, and Moderation” – and endeavour to live up to its true spirit. May the Buddha-Sāsana long endure. May all beings be well and happy!