Thank you for supporting Ven. Yogavacara Rahula’s Dhammaduta Tour

Thank you for supporting Ven. Yogavacara Rahula’s Dhammaduta Tour

Venerable Yogavacara Rahula has concluded the one-month Dhammaduta Tour in Malaysia 2012.  Many devotees throughout the country have benefited and experienced progress from Ven. Rahula’s clear meditation guidance and insightful Dhamma talks.

The Management Committee of Nalanda Buddhist Society would like to thank Ven. Rahula for his kindness and compassion to come to Malaysia and teach the Dhamma here.  We would also like to express our gratitude to all who have participated in the joint effort to host and support Ven. Rahula during his stay here from 31 May to 28 June 2012.  Your hospitality and generosity are truly valued.  Sadhu!

A special note of appreciation to the following organisations, which invited Ven. Rahula and provided the opportunity for the beautiful Dhamma to be shared in the community:

  • Bandar Utama Buddhist Society
  • Jitra Buddhist Association
  • Kinrara Metta Buddhist Society
  • Kota Bharu Mettarama
  • Perlis Buddhist Society
  • Seremban Sudhamma Buddhist Society
  • Sg. Long Buddhist Society

May all find peace and happiness through education and cultivation.  Let us all strive on diligently!