Thank you to Buddha Day volunteers!

Thank you to Buddha Day volunteers!

Nalanda youths had undertaken much preparations for the procession, led by Bro. Yeo Disheng.

Two days ago, on Sunday 14 May, Buddha Day volunteers gathered back at Nalanda Centre for an appreciation session hosted by the organising committee.  Chairperson Sis. Livin Leow extended our heartfelt gratitude for the volunteers’ support, cooperation and care for everyone who came to Nalanda to honour the Buddha.

Visitors from near and far, gave feedback that they felt welcomed during the Wesak celebrations, as they were warmly greeted and well guided by hosts and volunteers in joining the Dhamma programmes and exhibitions.  Many gained a better understanding of how to commemorate this important event in a more meaningful way, putting to rest beliefs and hear-say.

We thank all volunteers for their selfless service.

The Volunteer Appreciation was led by Sis. Livin Leow, Buddha Day Organising Committee Chairperson. She extended her gratitude on behalf of the Society for all their selfless service.

Sis. Nandini relayed the heartfelt acts of service of volunteers that she observed throughout the observance, as many volunteers worked together and without complains even through challenges.

A new volunteer, Sis. Yit Fei felt grateful to be part of the observance and looked forward to contribute further.

Bro. Soh said his whole family was looking forward to the Buddha Day Observance, and he marveled at the unity of the members and volunteers.

The calmness and composure of everyone, even when faced with challenges, enabled this year’s Buddha Day Observance to be seamless and impactful.  Thank you to all our volunteers for your selflessness and dedication.  May you rejoice in your good deeds, and have the blessings of good health and peace.  Sadhu anumodana.

The traffic management team led by Bro. Yap kept us safe especially for the procession.

Volunteers thanking and paying their respects to venerable monks for being with us on Buddha Day.

Information Desk, Treasury and Volunteer Registration led by Sis. Pauline, Sis. Kah Hong and Sis. Emily were able to help many visitors find their way to the programmes.

Children’s corner was a great help to parents with young children. Thank you to the team led by Sis. Mandy and Bro. Rik.

The Dhamma School performance team led by facilitator Sis. Lau Wei Nee.

For more photos, please click here