Thank you to ‘Family Fun Fair’ volunteers

Thank you to ‘Family Fun Fair’ volunteers

Youths celebrating friendship as bonds were strengthened during Family Fun Fair.

Last Sunday 4 August, we invited volunteers and stall operators of the recent Nalanda ‘Family Fun Fair’ 2019 for a simple lunch to thank them for their contribution towards the success of the event.  The Organising Chairperson, Sis. Evelyn expressed her deep appreciation to everyone for their support in hosting the largest Family Fun Fair to-date.

Nalanda founder Bro. Tan thanked the volunteers for their commitment as well.  He reminded us that the value of the Fun Fair is not just in involving one’s own family, but in engaging the entire community.  When we connect well and work in concord with others, we enable ourselves to be connected to Dhamma.

Director of Volunteer Centre, Sis Buddhini sharing that the Fun Fair had over 800 volunteers.

Dhamma School students presenting one of their Family Fun Fair performances.

Volunteers sharing their inspiring personal stories.

We commend all volunteers for working well together and in harmony with the community.

Volunteers also stepped forward and shared that they were grateful for the opportunity to contribute; recollecting happy moments in their service.  We rejoice in the high spirits of our wonderful volunteers and the coming together of a Buddhist community.  Sadhu!