Dhamma is our ‘safety net’

Dhamma is our ‘safety net’

Achariya Tan Siang Chye giving an interesting   Dhamma talk on how to in accordance Dhamma.

Achariya Tan Siang Chye giving an interesting Dhamma talk on how to live in accordance with Dhamma.

On Sunday February 28, Achariya Tan Siang Chye gave a Dhamma talk on living in accordance with the Dhamma. He explained that the root word of ‘Dhamma’ in Pāli, and ‘Dharma’ in Sanskrit’ is ‘dhṛ’ which means ‘to hold up or maintain’; while the Buddhist meaning of Dhamma is the teachings of the Buddha.  Hence, when we live the Dhamma, it is to hold us up, and stop us from falling into the woeful states of existence, and to fulfill our potential for Nibbāna.

To live in accordance with the Dhamma, we must make the effort to:

  • Associate often with the wise and faithful, and be inspired by those who have walked the Dhamma path before us;
  • Keep the precepts well – the Dhamma will always be alive for those who do this;
  • Regularly reflect on the Buddha’s teachings and learn as much as possible from the wise;
  • Find time to be quiet and calm our minds as the mind will be sharper, and Dhamma will become clearer to us during these times; and
  • Find time to help others, as a kind and compassionate mind is a fertile ground for the Dhamma to grow.

We thank Achariya Tan Siang  Chye for his insightful talk.  May it inspire us to strive diligently on the Path of Dhamma. Sadhu anumodana.