‘The Gradual Training’ Workshop by Āyasmā Aggacitta

‘The Gradual Training’ Workshop by Āyasmā Aggacitta

Registration is now open for the ‘The Gradual Training’ Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop conducted by Āyasmā  Aggacitta to investigate what the suttas say about the nature and development of jhānas as part of a comprehensive, sequential scheme of training.  This workshop is suitable for participants who have a good understanding of core Buddhist concepts and practice, including the Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path.

The workshop will be held on Saturday, 10 May at Nalanda Centre, Sri Serdang, from 8am to 7pm.  Meals and learning materials will be provided by the organisers at Nalanda. We invite those who are interested, to register at this link https://forms.gle/Urzo2vCci1FBynfw6.

Registration is open until 2 March or when all the 100 places are taken. Focus groups will be formed to prepare for the workshop.  For queries, please contact Nalanda Centre at 03-8938 1500. Thank you.