The Joy of Giving

The Joy of Giving

Seventh Monthly Pindacara at O.U.G. Market

On 1 December, there were many joyful and generous people waiting at Taman O.U.G. morning market to offer alms-food to the members of the Sangha.  The monthly alms-round allows lay people to do good deeds with kind intentions and actions.  A team of Nalandians with full devotion encouraged more people in the market to ‘do good and feel good’.  They also took the opportunity to engage with the public and explain to them on the practice of Pindacāra.

"Do good, feel good."

After the alms-round, Sis. Tan Yee Yong gave a Dhamma talk at the Nalanda Education & Outreach Centre (NEO) Centre.  She began her talk by asking the devotees to reflect on the joyful experience from performing good deeds.   According to her, this joyful feeling has to be self-experienced and self-realized.  No other person in this world can experience it for us.  She advised everyone to live our lives purposefully and constantly reflect on the good deeds performed.  Do not be saddled with anger and irritation that remove calmness in our heart.

The proper way for laity to offer alms is to perform it joyfully, mindfully, and respectfully towords the monks.